Chapter 73

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"I didn't expect it to be like that." Said Viyani while rubbing her temples.

"It's alright milady, none of us have expected it." Said the butler who 'escorted' Brando and his team to Emperor Amir and the Empress.

"I thought we would be the one surprising them with our prowess. Instead, we were the one shock by their ridiculous performance."

"Even the Emperor and Empress was shocked at what they heard."

"That is concerning though." Said the butler.

"It is." Said Viyani with a sigh.

Indeed, they were truly shocked at what had transpired during those moments.

They called that skill as the mirror plane. And it is often used when hiding certain important cities or locations for the United Elven Empire.

More so, it becomes an even more important of an asset during wartime.

Using this skill could just implant terror and mass confusion on their enemies. Making them easy prey for their people to take them down one by one.

However, there is an significant off side for repeated usage in quick succession.

The amount of spiritual energy that would be needed for quick successive uses would double from that of the previous usage.

This in turn gives the caster a huge toll not just mentally, but also physically, as spirit energy continouesly flows throughout the user's body in high volumes.

And through this, the 'concerning' part comes in.

During those moments, it was seen that Brando seemed to have been looking around.

A few moments after that, he then began to speak as if he knew about the skill long ago.

Something he knew for years, something told to him ever since he was young.

This even more evident when he smiled while saying those words of his.

It was simply the smile of absolute confidence.

Just by remembering it, Viyani simply couldn't help but continouesly get surprised by how he knew about it. At the same time, she couldn't help but grow undeniably concerned about it.

Simply because, if he knew the concepts of it, then he surely would have known it's off side as well.

"I don't understand it though."

Viyani then looked at the butler, seeing as he broke the silence they were having while being in their own deep dive of thoughts.

"In our rich history, there were 5 Great Elven empires spread across the southwestern continent."

"Unlike the United Elven Empire of today, the 5 Great Elven Empires of the past were divided."

"The political opinions and differences at that time were not of the best results. Each Empire had different beliefs, different ethnics, and many others."

"Due to that, although trade routes are done in, actual connections were not. And who knows what could have happened when war breaks out."

"However, before any wars happened, The great invasion came."

The butler then looked at Viyani, with an expression of 'please continue' written on his face.

Seeing this, Viyani then gazed at the estate's right manor garden below and did as what the butler has requested.

"Creatures of unknown origins suddenly appeared. These creatures were destructive, leaving death wherever they go."

"The first thoughts on these creatures were, they were demons. However, they weren't."

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