Chapter 56

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"I fold."

"Me too. I fold."

"Hahaha. How about you Eman? Wanna fold too?"

"Tsk. Commander. Don't expect me to give in just like that. The bet is too good. I must persevere!"



This was Brando and his team. It was currently breaktime in the city's workshop.

They had already finished rebooting the boats systems and had also finished repairing what was damaged by the elves and dwarves.

Seeing as they can't do anything more. Brando offered to play poker.

The team's scouts and some of the frontliners rejected the offer but instead, just told Brando, with bright smiles, that they will gather 'intel'.

Brando looked at them exasperatedly and just shooed them away.

"People with their mysterious hobbies." Was what was on Brando's mind when this happened.

The team's medics and mechanics though stayed and accepted the offer.

And now, it ended in this.


"Give it up Eman. It's useless to fight against the commander."

"Yeah, yeah. Ysa is right. Just give it up."

"You guys lost against commander right. So shouldn't you be encouraging me to defeat him? Why are discouraging me?!"

"Because, Eman. They are smarter than you."


"Well you guys are very carefree."

Brando and co then looked at the source of where that statement came from.

"How was your afternoon stroll Nievas?" Brando asked.

Organizing herself on the group, Nievas replied blankly.

"Nothing much. It's the usual lively city. But i did notice something peculiar though."

Raising an eyebrow, with an expression of interest, Brando asked.

"Peculiar?  Mind telling us what's been peculiar?"

"It's the citizens. Eyes would be dropped on us like were some superstars when we appear on the public."

Hearing this, Brando simply smiled.

"So, the news finally had spread to the citizens then huh."

When Brando said this, he didn't tone down his voice, so every person present near him heard what he said.

After saying this, Nievas and the rest looked at him questioningly.

"What do you mean commander?"

"Yeah commander. What news?"

Seeing the eager expressions of his comrades in arms. Brando smiled and then snapped his fingers exuberantly.

"Alright then. I'll send you guys the video feed but you must view it privately."

"Privately? Why so commander?" Asked Ysa.

"You could say that...... It contains something confidential. Although it might be baseless rumours to the citizens though."

After Brando said this, he got up, and then left the group while waving his hand at them.

"Eman. You win. Congratulations."

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