Chapter 31

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*sexy whistle*
(Author note: you should now what this mean.....)

"Well this place is rock and desolate."

"You forgot to say 'but has abundance of resources' mate."

"Are you sure about that?"

"What are you questioning around. You, yourself saw the scanners show that this place has large piles of raw materials here.

"Followed by the fact that it also showed an innumerable amount of question marks."

"Hey, where in a place that we don't know where it is exactly. So stop blabbering and deal with it."

No man's land. Or so call it. This place has been named by people all around the Republic as the place was deathly barren.

A barren land that extends for miles and miles away.

The people of Sonari might not step on this land. But the people from Philippines would.

The Filipinos asked if there are countries that extended their territory to this barren land to the Marsus kingdom.

Them on the other hand, gave the Filipinos a perplexed stare as they said,

"What kind of country would extend their territory that has no abundance to nature and magic?"

This in turn shocked the Filipinos as they didn't quite understand what they meant.

So, the questioning repeated itself for a number of times until both parties finally understood what each others questions meant.

And it all now leads to the current situation.

One of the scout team of the Philippines stepping on the land called No man's land.

As these people were talking, loud rumbling sounds were heard.

They looked back and saw that these sounds originated from armored trucks and construction vehicles.

"Well, well, well. The excavation team is here."

One of the armored trucks door's opened, and a man wearing a hooded brown camo came out. The man was followed by a gorgeous female wearing the same brown camo.

"Sooo, this is the so called goldmine....... "

The man looked around and nodded his head rigorously.

"Yep, that looks like a goldmine indeed."

The scout team lowered their heads. Even they themselves knew the meaning behind that remark.

The female behind the man just sighed.

"Commander don't be like that. You know that with this 'goldmine' our country's current state could finally be elevated right."

"Yeah I know that, and I'm happy for that."

After the man said that, he looked at the scout team that got here (No man's land) before them.

"Your the scout team right?"

The scout team nodded.

"Can I see the places the you guys marked already."

After this was said, one of the people on the scout team went ahead and pressed something on the wrist.

After that, a projection was shown and what appeared on the projection was curved lines and some having red dots.

"This here shows the areas we already ventured into. The ones with the red dots are the ones that the scanner can't recognized what materials are down there."

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