Chapter 44

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*New Clark City*

*Philippine Space Association*

*Sector class: Spatial Military Operation*

*High leaders council meeting*

"Why are we called here today?"

"Don't know. The only thing I heard was that this was an emergency meeting."

"I think it is an emergency meeting. From what I heard, Stargazer's CEO would be coming to lead this time project."

"What? Really? If Stargazer's big boss is really coming, then doesn't that mean that this times project is expected to be huge."

"Hush down. The Council presidents are here."

The doors to the meeting room opened, then came in 5 men, with their looks aging around 40-50. Despite their age, people would still think that they're around 30-35 years old due to how well and young these men looked.

They also wore similar to what military generals wear. The only difference is that the color was pitch black and has silver outlines. Their shoulders also has 10 silver stars. At the center of these stars were starry blue lights, releasing a very modern but mesmerizing feeling.

They then went to the second floor of the room and positioned themselves on a pentagon style.

After this 5 men positioned themselves, everyone on the room bowed, then gave a formal salute.

"Be seated." Said one of the men.

When everyone finally fixed themselves on their seats. The man at the forefront of all five then began the aforementioned meeting.

"Us five council leaders still have a lot to do that even an emergency meeting would not suffice for our attendance. However, this emergency meeting has a difference to other emergency meetings so I'll go straight to the point." Pausing just to take a small breather, the man then continued.

"The President was the one that issued this emergency meeting. As for why, it's very simple. The President wants us to rush the PDSS program or currently known as the Planetary Deep Space Satellite program. However, there are changes to this as the President issues a weaponization program on the satellites that we would be releasing for the supposed next 3 months which now have to be rushed in 1 and a half month deadline."

When everyone on the council room heard this, excluding the other four council leaders, not a single person here couldn't help but exclaim in unison.

"That's crazy!! Weaponizing the satellites?! The resources needed would be enormous! Aren't we currently low on such resources?!!"

"1 and a half month deadline?? Just building a single one would require 2 and a half months. At most, the satellites that would be built and released for the next three months were only nothing but small satellites capable of being launched here, instead of being assembled in space itself. So why the sudden weaponization?"

The council leaders only looked expressionlessly at all the exclamations and bickering being done by everyone present. When everything started to calm down, that's when they began to start talking once more.

"When we received the news, we were shock as well. Trust us, what you're thinking now are also what we thought when this was said to us. However, the President did not made clear to us why such rush is to be issued. In the end, the President only said that the person that would be managing this rush project would be Stargazer's CEO, Mandela Legaspi."

"As for how he would lead this project. Ask the man himself."

After saying that, the door opened and there, a man in his 30's entered. That man then walked formally to the center of the council room. When he reached the center, the man then made a formal bow and salute to the five council leaders.

"Greetings everyone. I am sure that every single one of you here already knows me, but for formalities sake, I'll reintroduce myself to everyone here. My name is Mandela I. Legaspi. Stargazer's CEO."

After his brief introduction, Mandela then raised both of his hands. A projection then appeared at the center of the council room, it's contents being shown to every person present.

"What you see here, are the blueprints I have prepared for this rushed operation. These blueprints, are taken from Dyson class satellites which are famously known as deep space scanners. Used to scan everything within a star system and also everything beyond it. Now, the difference is that these Dyson class satellites, would have the Simian class weapons systems installed in it."

When Mandela said this, an outburst immediately enveloped the council room.

"Si-simian class!! You want to install a Simian class weapons system to a Dyson class satellite! That's just crazy no it's beyond crazy."

"Everyone that studied Quantum Mechanical Science knows that modifying both types of classes would be nigh impossible! A Simian class weapons system is just that powerfull that a Dyson class satellite would blow up before being able to charge an attack!"

"Also, have you even thought about the large amounts of Black Metal needed if we were to build a Dyson class satellite with a Simian class weapons system. Moreover, our hydronium reserves would be just depleted at high speeds if such weapon were to be built. Have you thought about that?"

Looking at all the questions thrown at him. Mandela couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, yes. I have indeed thought about that. Day and night I have thought on how to do this type of blueprint. Until I finally came to a solution."

Everyone couldn't help but give Mandela a skeptical gaze. Just what sort of solution have he thought of?

Smiling, Mandela then said,

"The solution I've thought of just simply follows the saying, 'respect the classics'."

Every single person on the council fell silent when they heard this. Respect the classics? What does he mean by that?

As if he knew what everyone was thinking, Mandela nonchalantly said his exquisite meaning.

"First generation Dyson class satellite and the Generation Zero Simian class weapons system."


Everyone immediately froze when they heard this. Even the council leaders were frozen stiff by what Mandela said.

Like how sometimes people realized something in a thunderous way, they now know what Mandela meant when he said 'respect the classics'.

And just to confirm what he said, one of the people on the council room asked,

"Ar-are you saying that..."

Seeing that person's stuttering questioning and frozen stiff expression. Mandela nodded his head.

"Although the First generation Dyson class satellite won't be that impressive as the Fourth generation Dyson class satellite that we once had before that event. It's still a satellite, we can use it for planetary uses and other interspace operations. As for the Generation Zero Simian class weapons system. Hehe, you all should know about Drop Tridents since it's always the first lesson people study at Mechanical Science History which is a needed course for Quantum Mechanical Science."

After saying all of this, Mandela gave a satisfied nod just by seeing everyone's 'expression of realization'.

"Every action done by a person has a reason. The President's reason is very simple actually. If you want to know what reason that is, then all I could say is that, we are not the only eyes that looks from above."

And then he left the council room after bowing to the council leaders.

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