Chapter 13

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Merchant Mercalos, a very prestigious merchant of the Republic. Known for his innate business talent, he is highly sought after by multiple kingdoms.

Today he is boarding the ship of the famous explorer, Captain Lucilia. She's not just a gorgeous beauty but also very brave and approachable. Her own good-will personality made the people love her and follow her.

Scum businesses and other backstabbers could'nt do anything to her due to the people stopping them from doing anything to her.

"Mercalos, welcome aboard."

Mercalos smiled and thought, "Well speak of the devil."

"Captain Lucilia, long time no see. How are your days may I suppose." (Mercalos)

"Not bad I say, and stop with the honorifics here. At the port of white sand, we are all equal." (Lucilia)

"Then does that mean that outside of the port, we are not equal?" (Mercalos)

"Of course we are still equal. What makes you think we are not equal?"

Mercalos contemplated Lucilia's words for a moment, then he found out that the question was brought back to him.

Knowing that his own question was brought back to him, he immediately changed the topic.

"Cough cough, I heard that you would go on another expedition, might I know where that would be headed?" (Mercalos)

Lucilia smirked when she noticed that Mercalos dodged his own question, nevertheless still answered the question.

"I plan to go deeper within the sea of fog this time that's all."

Sea of fog, that was said to be the 'deadzone' of the sea of the world by many sailors. To all that entered in the sea of fog was lost forever. The only ship was able to come back from it was Captain Lucilia's ship.

"Are you sure? I don't agree with you going deeper within the fog." (Mercalos)

"I know that, but as an explorer knowing the unknown is my responsibility." (Lucilia)

Lucilia then smirked then continued her words.

"And besides didn't you agree to come with me." (Lucilia)


Mercalos then just remembered that he decided to join the expedition. Although that was a drunk decision he couldn't refute it due to him being worried to be called a man not of his words in his back.

Lucilia laughed then pushed him aboard her ship, after a few moments the ship sailed. Cheers of people from the port of white sand, wishing them to have a safe trip.


"Hoist the sails, check the mast!"

La Camesa, the most priceless ship in the port of white sand. It is also the ship of the most prestigious Captain, Captain Lucilia.

"So I actually hadn't crossed or even saw the sea of fog. What exactly does it look like?" (Mercalos)

Lucilia mused for a moment then answered.

"It's just fog on the sea that's it." (Lucilia)

Mercalos, giving Lucilia a blank stare, then said, "Wait, that's it."

"Well, you would spot a few islands within it, but thats it. Going deeper anymore than that would make us lose our sense of direction." (Lucilia)

"Wait, lose sense of direction? Then wouldn't that be troubling for us by going there?" (Mercalos)

Lucilia made a small, faint laugh then said, "Of course we knew that, were not idiots you know."

"Then why would you decide to go deeper?" (Mercalos)

"Because we have done preparation before hand." (Lucilia)

Mercalos perked his ears. The word preparations caught his interest. As a merchant, finding a right way to enter the sea of fog would be great in his business.

When he learns the method and have seen it work, he would just have to ask Lucilia's permission to be able to start the business on promoting the method.

While musing this thoughts, he also suddenly started to sweat. He just found out that if these method doesn't work, he may as well have died within the fog, never to return.

Lucilia, as a sharp woman, knew what Mercalos was thinking. She also knew that if she and her crew lives through this, it would be a revolution on all the shipping agencies on the whole world. She also planned to promote it, she just needs a witness and Mercalos, a famous Merchant, was what she need.

If all what she planned is to succeed, then she would be able to help the residents of all of White sand.

She looked straight into the horizon, her eyes showing determination and the courage to survive this expedition.


It's been 8 days since their departure from the port of White sand.

Mercalos, writing on his own paper the experience he saw from the sailors, the captain, and of course, his own.

Many things happened, and surprisingly, he enjoyed every single moment of it.

The sailors were fun to be with, he even made friends with them.

He wrote everything he remembered this days. So that when he comes back to the Merchant association this book would tell all of his experience in this trip.

While writing, he noticed something going on. The actions of the sailors were rushed, some wide eyed, some with faces one won't be able to understand immediately.

Out of all the time he have been with them, this was the first time he saw their expressions.

They were all looking at something, something that even he himself doesn't see, he was confused. Did these sailors gone crazy?

He turned around to go and ask Lucilia about this peculiar happenings. To his surprise Lucilia was there, but her expression....

It was the same expression as these sailors.

Now, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you all looking at?"

Lucilia looked at him and said, "The Sea of fog..."

"Yeah, what about the Sea of fog? Didn't you say we would reach it by sometime this day?" (Mercalos)

Lucilia replied hesitantly, "Yeah, we would be able to reach the outskirts of the fog sometime today. No, infact we have already reached it."

Mercalos was confused at her words, but somehow started to have a gist of it.

"By 'reached' it, are you saying that we have entered it? Why don't I see any fog? It's bright as day here." (Mercalos)

With the same hesitant face, Lucilia replied, "That's the point, there is no fog."

She stopped for a moment then continued.

"No, there is won't describe it." Her expression then became serious then she continued her words, "A better word for it would be that the whole sea of fog, has disappeared completely."

Mercalos had his eyes wide when he heard this. The only conclusion he can think now is that the Sea of fog that has terrorized these waters for centuries, has now ceased....

to exist.

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