Chapter 2

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Scene: Trade city Ashton

"How much for this?"

"1 gold and 3 silver for the orchluk sword young lad"

"Fresh Mangus for sale!!!"

The Trade city Ashton is a very well known prosperous city... for it is a city with roads leading to 3 kingdoms, it is also under the protection of these kingdoms that made the crime rate in the city undeniably low.

With these kingdoms, in a partnership for a long time now, people would refer to it as the Tridom Republic


While the people on the city was hustling and bustling, a rumbling sound was heard.

When people glanced at where the sound came from. All of them took a look at the sky.

What they saw was a flying beast that no one has seen before. What surprised them was that it isn't even moving its wings. Those that has keen eyes would see that its some sort of a metal object.

The metal object flew around the city as it looks like its looking for something.

The civilians then started to panic, others started to leave the city immediately while the adventurers started to move around the perimeter of the city, in preparation for a possible attack.

Heavy footsteps then came going around. Shouts saying " Archers ready!!" and "Mages form a barrier fast!!!" came all around the city.


"Grand Mage Marx what do you think it is?" asked a cloaked man to the person named Marx. Marx using the magic called 'sight' a no attribute magic replied "I don't know, i've never seen a dragon like this before, i don't even know if its a dragon!" exclaimed Marx.

"Dragon or not we need to know Marx." said the cloaked man

"Don't worry, i plan to go up there. But you're coming with me Driff." said Marx to the cloaked man whose name seems to be Driff.


Marx and Driff flew, going near to the unknown thing in the sky. By the time they got close, the unknown thing immediately made a u-turn.

Marx and Driff was surprised from its action and followed it. They also heard some people cheering below them, but paid no heed to the cheering and kept following it.

A few hours later Marx said " Do you have any more mana potions? Im running out of mana." Driff then replied "2 bottles left, damn that thing just kept moving east. I don't even know were we are at the moment."

" Ahhh come on quit yapping and give this old man the juice already, im starting to lose spe--, hmm?! What's that?!"

Driff took a look at were Marx pointed out and was shocked at what he saw.

Just about near the sea, something was floating on it. It was huge, it was about 360 senus. And there seems to be more of it on the huge thing

(Author note: meters=senus
Get it)

Marx and Driff landed near shore while watching the flying metal object go to the huge object on the sea.

Totally flabbergasted by what they saw, they didn't notice some people in weird clothing go near them.

By the time they noticed they were already surrounded. The two immediately put on their fighting stances. Ready to strike the possible enemy.

The weird clothed people on the other hand raised their own respective weapons. However Marx and Driff was wondering why would they raise iron rods at them.

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