Chapter 72

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Rubbing his temples, Brando then said.

"I am inexperienced, this little guy is inexperienced. How will i be assured this insignia will be a success?" Asked Brando.

"You don't need to be experienced to do this." Replied Emperor Amir.

"Then what would i need?"


"Just trust in the spirit your connected with. Through that, you'll be able to form an insignia... Even, if you haven't done it before."

Hearing this, Brando then slowly lowered his head to the red light that was on his lap.

After this, with a blank expression, He then slowly turned his head to Nievas.

After some time, he then looked back to Emperor Amir and said,

"Give me some moment with my friend." Said Brando while pointing to an empty space a few meters away from the pergola.

He then nudged Nievas and stood up.

Seeing this action, Nievas then followed suit.

Taking some distance, Brando then said lowly,


"Well, i'm not into things that are mostly political. So why ask me for some thoughts?" Replied Nievas.

"Because your the Vice-commander."

After saying this, Brando's metallic gloves then started to glow blue.

Seeing this glow, Nievas then said,

"Sound insulation. Your making our talk secretive?"

"There are prying ears everywhere. Being a little careful wouldn't hurt."

After Brando said this, Nievas then began to look around their surroundings.

After doing this, she then said in realization.

"Seems like i'm getting rusty."

"Your damn right woman. You are getting rusty." Said Brando after glancing to an hooded elf not far away from them.

Giving herself an exasperated sigh, Nievas then said.

"Okay. You want my thoughts. Here's my thoughts."

"From the circumstances here on. I think you should accept it."

"Accept it?" Replied Brando while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes... Accept it."

"You already showed them the MPP-EM Nano Gloves. Intimidated them, irritated them, making deals withy them."

"You've gone that far. So why stop now?"

"So, You should accept it. Besides, it's not like we have many choices now."

After Nievas said this, Brando then nodded his head in understanding.

"Makes sense."

"Showed them our capabilities, scratch their pride and dignity. You know what, your right."

"If we're going down today with this deal then so be it."

"It's not like we're losing anything right."

After Brando said this, Nievas then stared at him blankly.

Followed by that, was a tired sigh.

Deactivating the sound insulator and walking back to the pergola with a bright smile, Brando then waved at Nievas without turning his back at her.

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