Chapter 41

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"The situation with her seems fine now. But, how did she ended up in a situation like that anyway?"

Aurelio took the question out of his head for the moment.

They saw the fight between the pirates and Lucilia through the HummingBird's live feed and through the live feed from an Advanced UAV.

There, they saw the power of magic and it's mysteries. Just by seeing it, most of them already believed that magic itself bend nature at will while a small amount of some thinks that it either has a scientific reason or it's nature itself just imparting it's powers to people.

Nevertheless, it's incomprehensible for people that lived in the era of a future modern age, were magic probably never existed.

"Hmm? Sir! Something fast is headed towards us."

Aurelio went to this person managing the deep sea radar of the carrier.

There, on the radar, something fast was headed towards them.

"Sir, it runs on the speed somewhere around 15 to 25 kph.

Giving himself some moments of contemplation, Aurelio said,

"Predict it's direction, then drop depth charges on its path. I don't want any huge Eel suddenly appearing within the fleet again."

"Aye aye sir."

Moments later a large column of water suddenly rose into the air followed by a very muffled sound like explosion.



"Uh sir?"

"I know."

After the column of water disappeared, some sort of ball of water was seen floating in midair.

Admiral Aurelio's fleet consisted of four dreadnoughts, two cruisers, and 6 destroyers.

It may seem powerful but it is actually just a small fleet in the Philippine navy since the currently large fleets would have at least around 2-5 missile carriers and had at least 3 air carriers with it. And, as for it's defense, there would at least have one barrier Grau class mothership.

"Man your stations! Get the guns ready."

While the water ball was still floating in the air, tetrahydron and tempest class weapons were pointed to the floating water while the three dreadnoughts on the north, east, and west of the air carrier have already pointed their barrels to this floating mass of water.

"Spotter. Anything?"

"Sir I'm picking up thermal signatures within the ball of water. Not sure what it is though since the red is moving around."

"I see."

Aurelio contemplated for some moments. Currently the situation arrived at a standstill, were either side just observes the other.

"Sir, there's movement within the water ball." Said the spotter.

After the spotter said this, the ball of water immediately turned larger and tentacle-like stems suddenly sprouted from it.

Seeing the sudden change, Aurelio immediately gave his orders.

"Activate the small scale frequency barrier. Don't let the planes get destroyed."

He then took his radio and told the three dreadnoughts, Himala, Jacento, and Mikal to open fire.

"Hm? Sir, there's a silhouette of a person inside."

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