Chapter 42

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"The selected members are ready to go, although the others are still back at the Naval subic bay."

Nodding his head, Brando then said,

"Tell them we'll meet them at scarborough shoal. Then we'll get a JC130 to bring us to the crappy named base called Ashton base. Jeez cant we at least call it Point Zero or something else, besides its between Black Zone and the Marsus kingdom recon base called Gate A anyway."

"Alright, i'll tell them, but the name was given by the government, and most of the people there already call it Ashton fortress. What can you do about it anyway."

"Hmph, just a word from me and it'll be changed straight away."

"Then why didn't you do it?"

"Because i was too lazy to even care."


Seeing her incredulous expression to his answer, Brando simply smiled and chuckled softly.

"Teasing is good. And being a higher up just makes it better." He thought.

While leaving their living quarters, with their sharp senses on their surroundings, they suddenly noticed quite a small disturbance.

And that is that, people are running around.

Confused by the situation, Nievas decided to ask.

"Hey you there. What's going on? Did something happen?"

The person that Nievas asked was a young man, obviously it was a new recruit. That young man looked at Brando and Nievas carefully. Noticing the 3-star badge on their shoulders, he immediately tensed, stood straight, then saluted, before answering.

"Admiral Aurelio's fleet just arrived, but they were quite some mishaps before they arrived here."

"Mishaps? Something happened to that guy?" Thought Brando.

"What mishap?" Asked Nievas

Still in the straight saluted form, the young man answered.

"On their way here, they crossed paths with one of our friendly ships from the Republic, the La Camesa whose captain is named Lucilia. It was reported that the friendly ship was attacked by pirates. As a response Admiral Aurelio sent a plane and two ships to help them. Now, en route to the friendly ship, La Camesa, another mishap happened within Admiral Aurelio's fleet when this water sphere of some sort appeared within his fleet. Not knowing what it was, Admiral Aurelio gave the order to attack but soon called it off when a sudden emergence of a girl came from within the water sphere."

Brando and Nievas nodded at the fresh info they just received, but then soon noticed something suspicious about their informer.

"How do you know all of this?"

The young man then replied,

"I'm a trainee for the intelligence division. Knowing information faster than others is what were taught to us. As part of this division, this is our priority."

Giving a skeptical gaze to the young man, Brando asked,

"What's your name kid?"

"Jomar Reyes."

"What do you aspire in the military intelligence division?"

"I want to be an General tactician, sir."

Brando creased his brows slightly when he heard this.

A General tactician, trainees that aspires to become a General tactician would have to undergo complete heavy duty training. Such trainings includes the term 'survival of the fittest' where a group of these people would be taught by an instructor for a full 5 days. Within those 5 days, all the knowledge imparted must have, at least, been 75 percent digested by the trainee. If one cannot digest all the knowledge, then they can only try next time while the rest that reamained would be subjected to hellish field training for 1 month. After that they'll be brought to do field missions with a group of people that does not know who they are. The off side is, there made to be team members, would not even know that they were assigned to this trainees.

And when that happens...... Complaints would be thrown at the Main HQ.......

Sighing, Brando silently prayed for this kid's faith.

"Good luck young man!" He shouted inside his head.

He then said, "Alright dismissed."

Jomar nodded and immediately left, but looking back.

"Poor child." Said Nievas.

"Let's not talk about the kid for the moment, for now, let's just go to the port to meet up with Aurelio, besides, Mr. president himself would be there to take a ride back home."


"Hmm." (Brando)

"Well that ship took a hit alright." (Nievas)

"Yeah it did. What made it that charred anyway?" (Brando)

"Why don't you ask the person responsible then." (Nievas)

"The person responsible is still busy attending to the matters at hand." (Brando)

"Then ask later." (Nievas)

"I'm too lazy to do that." (Brando)


"Hmm? There's someone wearing robes over there." Said Nievas.

"Aurelio's also there too."

On the air carrier's deck, Aurelio was seen there standing while scratching his head.

On his left we're his two other men wearing proper gear while between these men was a robed woman, hands detained in magnetic gloves.

Lucilia was also looking at Aurelio's direction. Seeing the woman beside him, she couldn't help but glare at that figure.

She would obviously know who would that robed woman be, and she would never slide what happened today. Especially when her own people's lives were brought to the stake.

When Aurelio and co finally settled at the port, President Macario went ahead and greeted him.

"Good late afternoon Admiral. How was your day."

While doing a formal bow, Aurelio replied.

"Ah, Mr. President, if only you were there to see all the action. My day would have been great."

Not minding Aurelio's sarcasm, Macario put his gaze at the robed woman and asked,

"This is?"

Glancing at the robed figure for a brief moment then looking back at Macario, Aurelio replied.

"Telling her name here would be inappropriate but I do can tell you that she came from the Pilanda Empire."

Macario creased his brows slightly when he heard this, as far as he can tell, there was no connections to the Pilanda Empire whatsoever throughout the whole time after the fog event.

However, having a died with them now when things are still unclear, would prove to be problematic.

Don't be mistaken when he said the word 'problematic'. It's not that they can't contend against the Empire, but it's that, that they know little about the Empire themselves.

As of currently, they're quite perplexed on the Empire themselves since many say that their great and glorious while many others say that they're corrupted and are scum.

Even if they do go and ask this robed woman they probably won't receive anything important or essential information since she would probably just compliment and glorify it.

But, it's still worth a try, to try and get something nice for some time.

Sighing, Macario then said,

"Looks like I'll have to stall my time going back to the mainland for now. So, why don't we go inside and talk this out then."

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