Chapter 70

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*City lord Viyani's Estate*

Following the elven butler, Brando and his group were led into a series of hallways.

After going around the series of hallways, Brando then asked,

"We've been walking down a couple of hallways now. May i know where are we exactly going?"

Without stopping, the butler replied.

"You will know soon."

Hearing this, Brando no longer asked.

Time passed, Brando and his group have just continouesly passed through different areas, different hallways.

It seemed like they were walking through a never ending maze.

Time passed, and Brando suddenly stops walking.

Due to this, the rest of Brando's team have also stopped as well, looking at him.

Noticing that the group of people behind him have stopped walking, the butler then looked back at them.

There, Brando was seen with his eyes closed, nose high, and then,


"Woah. Uhhh that was a strong one."

"So-sorry about that. Just have an itchy nose. Let's continue."

Seeing Brando scratching his nose, the butler then began to walk once more with Brando and his group following him.

This time however, there was a certain change in Brando's group.

Some looks to be in a daze, some were looking around like a curious individual, while some, had dead pan eyes.

Seeing everyone else cooperating, with a small smirk, Brando watch as streams and streams of data arrives on his Nanolens.

Time passed, continuously walking, disregarding a few breaks, Brando soon had that small smirk turn into a small grin.

"Excuse me but, we have been already walking for quite a long time now. And as people that has no idea where we are being led to, do we not have the right to know where our destined location would be?"

Stopping, the butler looked at Brando blankly and said,

"Please have some patience Sir. Brando. We will soon arrive at our location."

Seeing the butler stare at him blankly, Brando couldn't help but shake his head inwardly.

Giving a short glance at Nievas who was at his right, and then at Tala who was at his left. Brando then said,

"Well, if you say so."

Seeing Brando shrug his shoulders, the butler then turned his back at them,

However, before the butler could fully turn his back at them, He suddenly heard something he never expected to hear from a human.

"I'm amazed to see a torus in play,"

Once Brando said this, the butler looked at Brando in utmost shock.

"Actually implementing the strominger-yau-zaslow-conjecture in a hallway. Unbelievable."

"Ho-How di-did yo-"

"Although, it is such a good implementation, it has not changed from that theory. It still has that 24 bad points."

"Okay so now, from i know. is that there is a union of infinite circles inside a torus. But, from what i can see, we've only been passing through ten circles over and over again no?"

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