Chapter 60

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On one of the fortress' ins, there was a man groaning.


"Hm? Hmm?!"

"Hm?! Huh?! We're am I!!?"

"Oh, the volunteer is awake."

"Call the Captain."

"Hey you! Where am I?! Why am I tied up?!"

"And please call him fast please."

"Hey!!! Are you listening to me???!!!"

"Shut him!"

After that was said, a fist then came right into Zora's stomach.


"Noisy little brat...."

"Alright, turn the lights off and give this guy the spotlight."

The whole room then turned dark, the only light source remaining was then left on Zora himself.

"The Captain's here."

The captain then entered, followed by him were two more people holding suitcases.


"You can go now lieutenant. I'll handle things from here."


The men that was here before then left the room, the only ones that remained we're Zora, Captain Agustin and the people he brought.

"Wake him up."

One of the men that Agustin brought with him then took a pail of water, that was prepared beforehand, and splashed it all over Zora.

"Khuhah! It's cold!"

"Good. You're awake now."

"Huh?! Who are you!?"

"You don't need to know me. But I know you."

"And you're going to help me with something."


*Marsus kingdom*

* A forest near the West border Fortress*

*Whirrr, whirrr*


"Green light! Go!"

"Captain Agustin. Please give our regards to your men and to your leaders."

"Thank you so much for helping us in our predicament."

"It's alright. No need to be modest on such things."

As of now, Captain Agustin have already gave the order to leave as there were still some problems that needed to be tensed to.

The Marsus kingdom delegates have come to see them off, however, they are quite hesitant to do so.

"How about stay for now then leave tommorow. We still haven't repaid you guys yet."

"We don't need anything but permissions and that's it. As of others, we don't really need them."

"Moreover, we have been called back due to an issue. So, we are still required to return nonetheless."

"Also, don't worry. Our checkpoint is just near the kingdom. If you are unsure about your situation. You can go there and tell your circumstances."

"As of now, the Marsus kingdom is our only ally. So cooperation and communication between our two countries is a must."

"Alright. We will take our leave now. Goodbye."

After all of these statements. The delegates were left there standing with an dumbfounded expression.

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