Chapter 24

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"The United Auctioneers Inc Grand Auction, begins!"

Then, loud shouting was heard, no it could be considered as loud cheering.

The screen in front of Rodel and Co then zoomed out. It panned in a 360 degree, view showing all the people that attended the auction.

The King, Lucilia, Mercalos, and the Ministers were shell-shocked by this gigantic crowd.

They have never seen such a huge gathering before.

Rodel and Jose on the other hand were just having calm ecpressions, clearly they've attended quite a number of such gatherings.

After making a 360 degree pan around the whole place, the camera then turned black.

The King and co were confused by this. Was that it?

However, the next thing that happened before their eyes made their jaws drop.

The screen before them glittered and spreaded throughout the whole room.

Now, instead of having limited vision on the area, they now can see the whole place.

The stage where the items being auctioned at is, the whole crowd, and the higher floor rooms.

They could see it all.

The King looked at Rodel, Rodel on the other hand, just simply smiled.

Rodel then said, "Alright, put your long faces off. The auction is about to start."

Hearing this, Mercalos and the Ministers began to put on their 'serious' faces. Mercalos as a Merchant, knows that auctions at this scale would have very rare items in hold. So, he payed attention to it very seriously.

The same can be said for the Ministers.

Lucilia on the other hand, having much less experience in occasions such as these, just inserted her own calm, curious gaze.

Soon, the first item appeared.

"As for our first item. We have the G5-MK Guard Drone. This drone is produced by the Mech Company known as Sky City. The Company famous for it's aerial Mech's. Now, as we have many items for today I'll keep the information in summary. The drone is portable, it can be stored in any area of your body as well. It's armor is composed of carbon and aluminum fibers, making it really tough. Even a 12.88mm bullet won't easily penetrate it. If it's an electrical bullet ranging from 100 to 1200 watts, then the drone would just deliver the electricity throughout it's whole body. Through that ,it won't just block the attack but also use it as it's own energy. As for it's offense mode it uses an 900 watt double submachine gun. That's all for it's summary, now I shall give it's starting bid."

The crowd became exasperated at this introduction.

Comments like "G5-MK Guard Drone? Isn't that the newest drone created by Sky City?" We're heard all around.

With some questional expressions, Mercalos and the ministers didn't understand a shred of what the auctioneer just said. They gave Rodel a look, obviously wanting to know what that information meant.

Rodel looked at Jose, Jose just sighed at this irresponsible friend of his.

Then, Jose explained what the auctioneer meant, in much simpler terms that is.

"This G5-MK Guard drone is a device that one can bring all the time. As the name says, it guards it's user everyday from danger. The said armor by the auctioneer is tough that normal arrows and swords won't easily just pierce through it. The said offense mode on the other hand meant that as a guard it can fight back. It's weapons are powerfull enough to pierce through any ordinary man like it was paper."

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