Chapter 28

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These are the reactions of the people on the room were Marcos' group is currently occupying.

To them, this was a literal surprise counter-attack.

They didn't expect it.

At this point, the woman was already frowning.

It was already in the bag. Putting this bid at the last moment was like a robber stealing the bag were her prized item is.

This can only be said in the single known word, insult.

"You dare..."

This time, she's literally pissed.


Breathing out a sigh of relief, Rodel really felt tired this time.

It was really close, really-REALLY too close.

He was really lucky that they got approval on increasing their funds at the right time. If they didn't however.....

Rodel immediately took these thoughts out of his head. It was very bad to think like this since it can affect mental health.

"Haaaa, that was really close."

Looking beside at the person beside himself, Jose was also on the same situation as him.

His face alone already told him how tiring that was.

After such a close experience from losing, Rodel concentrated once more and also regained back his political confidence aura.

As expected, auctions of this scale would not be your average type of auctions. Just like now, he nearly fell of the cliff on that one.

"So I didn't have the chance to ask how much additional funds they gave us so I'm just gonna ask now." Asked Rodel to Jose.

Wiping some sweat of his face, Jose replied.

"They gave us 14.5 million, this is the highest amount they can give us."

"14.5 million, I suppose that's enough." Thought Rodel.

"We can't ask more than this, so let's make this trip to the Grand Auction count."


It's been quite some time now, and the bidding for the 17th item has reached a stalemate.

By this time, both parties continued their bids recklessly.

The only difference is that the other party started to lower their bid. And this party was the room of Marcos' group.


At this point the woman had some strands of hair that looked messy already.

The two men in Black tuxedos immediately moved out of the way. One of these men was Marcos.


The woman glared at Marcos, after glaring at him for sometime, she proceeded to turn her sight to the room not far from her.

This room was the room that Rodel and co was occupying.

After thinking for some moments, she answered and said her next words in a very low tone.

"Fine, you can have this item. But I'll bet you won't be able get the next one."


"Sold!" Said the auctioneer very loudly. This time though, uproars didn't happen.

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