Chapter 77

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Looking down on the field, Emperor Amir couldn't help but crease his brows slightly.

As he does this, his vision soon turns into a blur. Everything within his perspective, slowly begins to be covered into some sort of pale blue light.

After some time, the position from where the cloaked person was before, now has been replaced by what could only be described as a ghostly specter.

Disregarding this, Emperor Amir then looked at what this 'specter' was holding.

And what he saw, shocked him utmost.

"Dear God... God of all elves and spirits... Goddess of all elves and spirits... Please guide me today, so that I may not be tricked upon what I am seeing..."

As Emperor Amir looked on, his contracted spirit, the Silver Moon spirit, Aphrophis, also appeared beside him.

Her expression however, was different from that of Emperor Amir. Instead of shock, it was caution.

Portrayed right in front of their vision, was the spirit that is currently integrated within the crossbow.

The spirit was wind type, however, it looked vastly different to it's normally known color.

Normally, the color of wind spirits would be at the color lime. However,  this one clearly portrays that of a different color.

It was somehow in the color mix of light yellow and dark green.

"The spirit points..." murmured Aphrophis.

Hearing the weak murmur from his contract spirit, Emperor Amir then gave attention to what she said..

And after doing so, he was greatly shocked.

Spirit points are something that can be seen when spirits integrates themselves onto weapons. This are done so, so that the spirit can fully grasp the entirety of a weapon, and be able to use it's maximum  efficiency through it.

The appearance of a spirit point depends entirely on a weapons full on form, shape, and blueprint.

Example, if a spirit where to integrate itself onto a small dagger, the amount of spirit points that would possible appear would be 4 points. These points would then appear on the dagger's grip, both quillion tips, and the blade. On a sword, it would either be 6 or 7.

These are what spirit points are. However, the amount he saw at the crossbow alone  was shocking to the point where he could fantasize his jaw falling to ground.

"J-just how many..." Asks Emperor Amir as his voice begans to trail down.

"789 points... No, it isn't just 789... It's increasing and increasing...." Replied Aphrophis as her voice also begins to trail down.


*Cloaked elven perspective*

Grasping this weapon... Feels very nice for unknown reasons.

Sleek design, smooth to the touch, and complicated structure.

No. Perhaps, it's even far more complicated than what i think it is to be.

Although that person earlier already told me some of its components... I feel like there's more to it than what it meets to the eye.

Breathing in deeply and stably. I then began to have a feel of the integrated spirit within this crossbow.

Not much time passed, I received a reaction.

"From my colleague huh."

"Well then. Can I ask of you to allow for testing usage?" I ask to the spirit.

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