Chapter 64

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"What are you doing here little one?"

Brando looked at Viyani, confused as to why she would call him little one.

However though, he noticed the little red light approaching them slowly.

"What is that?"

Without looking at Brando, Viyani replied.

"A young fire spirit."

"Fire spirit?"

"I'm pretty sure i already told you how us elves do our amplified magic. And it is because of the spirits that, us elves, have a good connection with."

Brando looked at the fire spirit in curiosity.

Being honest with himself, Brando was indeed curious about magic once he had heard about it.

He had degrees in quantum mechanics and military talents, but magic and spirits? That's definitely something new.

They may have the technology, but they don't have the magic.

To think something that was treated as an entertainment could actually now be something used for daily and military purposes.

As Brando continuously stared at the fire spirit curiously, the fire spirit on the other hand started to approach Brando.

The fire spirit then began circling around Brando in a slow pace.

Seeing such an action from the fire spirit, Brando then looked at Viyani, with a gaze that seems of inquiring at what the spirit is doing.

Viyani on the other hand looked at Brando, with an expression of slight surprise. Nevertheless though, she still replied to his inquiring gaze.

"The spirit is currently analyzing you, taking a look at your properties."

"My properties?"

"Yes. Every time someone would enter the land, that us elves that has a connection with the spirits and inhabits the land itself. The spirits would analyze such guests. Their properties, Be it either beasts or man. The spirits would check them. However though, they would do it secretly."

"I see..... Wait? Secretly?"

"Yes, they would do it secretly. Although for you though, you really gave me a surprise."

With curiosity plastered on his face, Brando asked why she was surprised.

"Why so?"

"Well, spirits would analyze you secretly, but they would not show themselves. In your case though, it seems they want you to see them."

With a contemplating gaze, Brando then looked softly at the red light that was circling around him.

"Hm... They want me to see them... I wonder why."

After Brando said this, the red light that the young fire spirit was emitting then changed into that of a darker red hue.

As Viyani and Brando saw this unfold, Viyani then said with a smile.

"Well, it seems that it is to probably show you, that you, has a heart that continues to look for satisfaction in your works."

After hearing this, Brando then looked at Viyani and the fire spirit back and forth. And he then thought of those words.

Satisfaction in my works...

*Clank, clank*

As Brando contemplated, the sound of armor was then heard not far from them. Well, to be exact, the clanking noise was coming infront of them.

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