Chapter 3

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After Carl and his people left. Driff then proceeded to wake Marx up.

"Huh? Ha? Wait what, were am i?!" (Marx)

Driff seeing the flustered Marx couldn't help but sigh.

"Haaa, were on the road going back to Ashton." (Driff)

Marx noticing Driff, then said.

"Wait, going back to Ashton? Weren't we on that unknown force's so called ship? Also were we not suppose to ask questions about those people?"

Marx throwing questions again without allowing the other party to answer, was ignored by Driff who started to walk back to Ashton.

"I'll tell you the contents while we walk" (Driff)

Marx who had the urge to go back to get his 'questions' answered suddenly stopped when he heard Driff say 'contents'. Right after that he immediately followed Driff and started bugging him saying "come tell me the contents of your talks" or "why are you silent are we not friends and friends does not keep secrets to each other no, so tell me the contents now" phrases.

Driff just laughed at all this bugging. Surely enough, he couldn't get enough of his old friend.


"I see, so those were all the contents you guys talked about huh"(Marx)

"Yeah that's all we talked about"(Driff)

"A country in the east. Hmm ...... I don't think there's a country in the east, don't you think that person was lying?" (Marx)

"No he wasn't lying, im sure of it since i used a high grade truth spell on him secretly." (Driff)

"That high?" (Marx)

"That high" said Driff with a serious face.

And then a moment of silence came in.

"Alright lets leave it at that then instead any idea what 'science' is?"(Marx)

"Not sure, perhaps the empires that concentrate on technologies may know since this 'Philippines' is also concentrated on 'technology'."(Driff)

Both entered a moment of silence once more and then sighed.

"Whatever, we should just report this to the royal families of the republic. This is way too much for us to handle." (Driff)

"I suppose so" said Marx while summoning a bird type familiar.

Driff did the same and summoned his own bird familiar.

The two then wrote magic letters on this 'situation'. One for marx, two for Driff. And sended the letters using familiars.

Now all they have to do is to wait.


Meanwhile in the Marsus kingdom's castle a somewhat tense atmosphere pervaded it.

"Princess Illa a message from the empire has come" (butler)

"Quick let me see!" (Princess Illa)

Princess Illa, a daughter of one of the royal families in the Tridom republic. She was also the sole successor to the throne of the Marsus kingdom. One of the Tridom republic.

And now shes reading a letter that came from the Pilanda empire, showing a serious expression.

"Tsk, have mother and father read this letter?" (Princess Illa)

"Yes they have" said the butler nervously.

"And?" (Princess Illa)

"They are awaiting your decision princess" (Maid)

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