Chapter 74

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"Hey, have you heard what those hyumans did?"

"I've been watching guard on this gate the whole day. How the hell would i know what those hyumans did."

"Oh, fair point. Anyways I'll tell you what happened."

Observing and listening to the murmurs of the knights below, a cloaked figure can be seen sitting on a high tree.

Hearing the murmurs of the knights stationed on the gate, the cloaked figure couldn't help but give attention to it.

"Those hyumans..."

After mumbling those words, the cloaked figure couldn't help but frown.

"Mir'ya. What seems to be bothering you?"

Upon hearing this, the cloaked figure then looked beside her. What greeted her eyes then was an mellow light green light.

"It's those hyumans. How could those hyumans know about the mirror plane?"

"I, Mir'ya, part of the third Relisia Order, have done meticulous study on this type of magic. And I have done so for years!"

"And yet, those hyumans, who have never even understood about this, would suddenly point out it's concepts just like that and negate it's effects?!"

"What sort of anomaly is this?!?!"

Seeing the cloaked figure's ranting reaction, the mellow light couldn't help but dampen.

"Ugh, people from the Relisia order are truly over-reactors. Makes me wonder why the Empire did this."

In the United Elven Empire, there are 12 groups within their military inner circle.

And these groups are then called The 12 Relisia order.

These 12 are the Empire's current backbones.

They are given stringent training, and are also given the Empire's best of the best knowledge and skills.

In summarization for this, they can be called the United Elven Empire's special forces.

"Klimya! You have been with me for so long now. How could you merely act nonchalant about this?"

"Well, maybe because I have more logic reasoning than you, the research lover addict Mir'ya!"

Caught of guard by the sudden bawl, the cloaked figure, or referred to as Mir'ya by the mellow light, went silent.

"Seriously can't you think straight first and forget about your 'meticulously done research' for the moment?"

"But those hyumans... They said it all out like they knew about it long ago."

"I have seen and watched every human that attempted to understand it and yet they fail. Every. Single. Time. More so, with the recent one just being a year ago??"

"And then these hyumans that came from what, that cooperated city just blurts it all out just like that??"

"That doesn't makes any sense!!"

Witnessing the exasperated rant being done by Mir'ya, the mellow light couldn't help but give out a sigh.

"*Sigh* I truly pity you, you hopeless research addict. You wouldn't even put some mind to me, your 'high ranking spirit'."

"Tch, high ranking or not I never expected you to be this annoying." Remarked Mir'ya as she turned her gaze outside the gate.

"Haa?? What did you say??!!"

"Shut it."

"What was that??? Are you looking for a fight??"

"I said shut it!"

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