Chapter 7

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(Inside the meeting room on the carrier)

"Hmm, mhmm, ahhhh"

"Uhhh your highness, what are you doing"

"I'm relieving myself of this seat, it's really comfy you know."


This person whose 'relieving' himself is the King of Marsus Kingdom. King Braum Voltar. With him is Grand Mage Marx and on the opposite side of the meeting room, was Diplomat Alfon

"Do you like it?" Asked Alfon

"Oh yes, I wish I had a seat like this back in my castle. The royal throne sometimes is really stiff you know." Said the King.

"I assume that only high class people in your country can obtain a seat like this no?"

"Not exactly, in our country even the common people can afford it." (Alfon)

The king hearing the word common people then looked at Alfon and said " By common people do you mean commoners?"

"No, common people is not commoners. In our country the issue of such systems are non-existent." Replied Alfon.

The king then went silent.


(The King's thoughts on the recent discussed topic)

"Hmm, no commoners. Why would that be?"

The king immersed in his own thoughts kept thinking about such things. Exponentially what caught his interest more was the words  "the issue of such systems are non-existent."

The king pondered on this words for a bit. While pondering the people they were waiting for finally came in.


"Good afternoon everyone, I am Rodel, the one beside me is Jose. We are members of the ministry of affairs."

The newcomers introduced themselves to the King and Marx. The king was also going to introduce himself but was stopped by Rodel, he said that it was no need because he already knew who he was since he was informed by Alfon.

With that the negotiations began.


8:30 pm on the first day on diplomatic negotiations eventually it was also finished at the same day.

The talks were long but this was it's contents.

• First, the country Philippines would like to receive exported food from the Marsus kingdom, of course the food would also be paid by the country. But not in monetary value but in industrial technologies.

• Second, a port is to be built at the coast, east of the Trade city Ashton. This was to make sure that the exported food is properly inspected as well as the imported technologies.

• Third, the port must be kept a secret in the Tridom Republic.

This was the overall negotiated talks during the said time. What made it long was the importing of industrial technologies.

The King went on and tried to negotiate if weapons can be imported. This became the king's resolution right after seeing a video about the country.

However, it was rejected again and again but the King went and tried to negotiate continuously about it.

What made it even longer was the ruckus Marx did. Right after seeing a video about the country, he shouted and said "Let me in your country. I want to know all of this!!!!!"

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