Chapter 10

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Tridom Republic's Pavillion.

Within the Grand Pavillion of the Republic, lies a red haired woman enjoying her tea. On the other side was a middle aged man looking at her with a smirk in his face.

"Veras, about yesterday...."

The one that started the conversation between the two is King Michal of the Lina Kingdom. The first to start a good relationship with Veras Mirconi, A Duchess of the Empire and the well-known Captain Valkery of the Red Rose Corps.

"Hehehe, about that your King. Please keep it a secret." Veras said with a teasing smile.

King Michal couldn't help but gulp at that smile. Just remembering that voluptuous body, that sweet smell....

Within the Pavillion, Veras, of course had two guards with her at all times. And seeing the ecstastic look on King Michal, they couldn't help but pity him.

Back in the Empire, Veras had another title. And that was Succubus. Why? Simple, because first she would seduce her chosen victim and then after successfully doing so, would slowly lead that victim to do her bidding. A literal succubus, although some say it's worse than one.

While King Michal was having his good time, footsteps were heard towards them.

A man in majestic robes entered, gave Veras a respectful look and shot a disdainful one at Michal.

"Cronel, you are back that early." Said Veras with a little bit of surprise in her voice.

The man that entered was King Cronel of the Biscot Kingdom. The only 'trusted' person by Veras.

"I have finished the job that you have said Duke Veras." Said Cronel.

This past few days, while King Michal was having his time with Veras, King Cronel on the other hand, was doing most of the bidding that Veras was supposed to do.

"Oh really? Then enlighten me on your foundings." Said Veras with an enchanting smile.

Cronel gulped his own saliva and said, "My men went to the Marsus Kingdom to look for it's King and Queen. But when they got there the prime ministers and the ministers said that both were had an illness. I suspected that they were lying so I ordered my men to ask the nobles instead, but to no avail."

"So you failed your job?" Said Veras, still holding the same smile but her tone got colder.

Cronel shuddered when he heard this but nevertheless continued, "Not exactly, while my men were leaving the Kingdom, they made a stop at a farthest village at the kingdom's reach. Dressed as travellers they overheard what one of the adventurers in the village said."

Veras interrupted him and said in a colder tone, "You think I care for some random adventurers story."

Cronel felt a heavier pressure put into him but still continued, "No, it wasn't just some random story , but a word about the King and Queen of the Marsus Kingdom."

When Veras heard this, the pressure Cronel felt lighter now.

"What word?" asked Veras.

"My men heard that the boasting adventurer saw people in weird clothing, patterns white and gray. There was also this huge beast with a metal silver skin. A few minutes after that, a carriage with mercenaries came. The carriage went to those weird people, the adventurer thought it was slave trading so when he was about to take action he stopped."

"Why did he stop?" Said Veras with interest.

"Because the adventurer saw Grand Mage Marx! A renowned Mage of the Republic. He was surprised to see that Marx was handling the slave trading but it appeared that he was wrong." (Cronel)

"Hmmm, and why so?" (Veras)

"Because the said to be mercenaries were actually knights while the said to be slaves was actually the King and Queen of the Marsus Kingdom!" Exclaimed Cronel.

This time, Michal listened seriously. At first he thought that Cronel was talking nonsense, but after seeing the interested face of Veras he couldn't help but listen seriouly to this nonsense as well.

"A few moments after that, two more of the same beasts arrived, the King and Queen of the Marsus Kingdom entered what appears to be a mouth on the beast and then they left. That's all I had to say." Said Cronel.

Veras then drank the remaining tea in her hands and contemplated for a while.

After that she said, "How did the beast left the scene?"

"By the 'experience' of the adventurer, he said that it flew into the sky." Said Cronel.

"Flew? As in like a dragon or a wyvern?" Asked Veras.

"I'm not sure, the adventurer didn't have any clarifications on what type of beast was it." Said Cronel, hesitantly.

After Cronel said this, silence pervaded the room. It was silent enough that even the men that followed Veras started to sweat hard.

But it was broken by Michal.

"Cronel, how can you be sure that what you all said is true? What if it was just the hoax of a drunk adventurer!" Exclaimed Michal.

Cronel snorted at Michal but still answered his question.

"My men even asked that adventurer repeatedly, going as far as torturing and making that adventurer drink the strongest truth pill one can find in the Republic. Just to get the report your hearing today. And you dare say that I  would lie at one of the esteemed ladies of the Empire! I suppose your the preposterous one then."

Michal stuttered at these words but still continued his 'attack' at Cronel.

"What if it was 'your' men that lied? What if it was a hoax report by your people! How can you repay the good will of Lady Veras by giving you this mission if what you all said was a lie made by your men."

Cronel frowned at this words, worried that maybe that was what Veras was thinking, that maybe all the things that he said was a lie. So he took a look at Veras, but Veras was just looking at her cup of tea, with a face full of aloofness on the other world, or for short an innocent look.

With these Cronel once more retaliated at Michal's 'attack' and said, "I can ensure the Validity of the report, with me and my peoples name swearing an oath of truth to the name of Goddess Soli of the east, that the report of my men is the absolute truth."

This time Michal was silent, to even swear an oath of truth to the Goddess of freedom, truth, and peace, Goddess Soli of the east. It was a hard move for him to retort.

Seeing Michal's pitiful situation, Cronel couldn't help but sneer at him.

Veras on the on the other hand, stood up, came to Cronel and said, "Since you have already sweated an oath of truth. I shall believe your words." Veras said this in a playful to e but then it instantly turned cold at her next words. "But remember, if what you said was a lie, then be prepared to face the consequences."

Cronel shuddered but still nodded.

Back in her playful tone, Veras said, "Alright now that all of that is done, can you gentlemen give me some lone time."

The two nodded and left right away, after being sure that the two 'gentlemen' left the pavillion. Veras summoned her personal unit.

"Nina, Mina you can reveal yourselves now."

When Veras said this, two alluring women appeared, although there face is covered with a black hood and a white mask, one can say that they still have an alluring figure.

"Investigate on the words the Cronel just said, if what he said was true reward him, if not kill him. Do you understand?" Ordered Veras at the two.

The two nodded and instantly vanished, leaving the two personal guards, and Veras, smirking.

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