Chapter 67

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*City lord Viyani's Estate*


"Nievas, any thing going on?"

"The group already had their fair share of strolling around. They'll be back soon. However though..."

After cutting her sentence, Nievas then looked around the vicinity before continuing.

"There seems to be more guards now. More than that of earlier."

Brando nodded. In actuality though, he didn't needed to hear it from Nievas herself. He already noticed the increasing amount of guards, or perhaps better known as knights, coming in to the estate.

He also wasn't naive as well. They were brought here for a reason, and he knows why.

"Get everyone to meet up at the lobby, and also make them look formal. Just like the rest of the operations we do."



*Some time later*




There were 16 members on his team. Excluding him, the number sets to 15 people.

Seeing that the count was right, he then gave the basic orders that they normally do.

"Same as always, keep yourselves formal as well. Change your communication line to the 1th form. Do you all understand?"

"Rog." (x14)

"Alright, act normal let's go." Said Brando in the communicator.

After Brando said that in the communicator, He suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Excuse me Sir Brando. The Lord told me to escort you and your friends to the front gate."

Looking back, Brando was greeted with an elf that show visible signs of aging. This elf was also wearing a butler uniform.

Looking at the butler's arms, Brando got the gist that this butler was probably once a soldier as there were many scars and was visibly rough.

Brando nodded. As soon as the butler saw Brando nodded, he then turned around.

"Huh, a Sebastian I see..." Muttered Eman.

After Eman muttered that, he received an electric shock from Brando and a quick gut punch from the people near him.


As Brando and the rest, along with the butler, approached the Front gate.

They could already see the huge activity the area is giving.

"Quite lovely huh." Said Brando.

There are formation under formation of knights on the area. With a pose as steady as that of a rock wall.

The armor the knights were wearing were also glistening every once in a while. And neither one of them, be it male or female, not one did not exude an aura that of a person that have never entered the battlefield.

"Over here please." Said the butler.

Brando signaled his team to go ahead while he was still looking at the knights.

After some time, he then followed the group.

However, as he walked. He was followed by a certain fellow.

Feeling a warm feeling over his right shoulder, Brando said with a smile,

"What brings you back to me little one?"

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