Chapter 5

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"Hey how much far do you think do we still have to go."

"I don't know okay, all I heard was to keep moving east. Eventually were supposed to meet two people there."

These people that are chatting, are mercenaries.

Mercenaries are hired people to do a lot of dirty jobs. The 'hub' of these mercenaries are either bars or taverns. But most people would see them at the mercenary guild.

"So those two people were supposed to meet. Do you know them?"

"Well one of them, and he's very well known." Said by this mercenary with a smile.

The other mercenaries perked there ears up to listen. One of them asked "who is that 'well known' person then?"

"Grand Mage Marx!!" Said by this mercenary with respect in his eyes.

The others were shocked to hear that it was Grand Mage Marx. Very few people gets to meet the renowned old man due to him always in his own world and business.

Grand Mage Marx was also known as knowledge-hungry person due to him doing a lot of weird stuff and him saying " this is the knowledge that the world presides!!!" that eventually makes 'miracles' of all sorts.

"You lot shut it, remember our job to keep the 'important' people in the carriage safe." Said the biggest man in the whole mercenary group.

"Sorry captain" said the mercenaries.

The window on the carriage opened a bit. The captain of the mercenaries, noticing it came close to the window.

"How far do we have to go my king." Said the mercenary captain.

"I don't know, but they'll be there for sure."

The mercenary captain referred to the person inside the carriage as king.

One might wonder why but it would not matter this group because this is actually the Marsus kingdom's royal family and the mercenaries outside are actually the Royal knights of the royal family.

The Captain of the royal knights just issued a sigh.

A few moments after, one of the knights saw something and shouted "what is that?!"

The others looked and they became wide-eyed at what they saw.

They saw a Ch-55 EM Chinook. (Advanced technology Chinook)

They also saw people there wearing weird clothing.

The Captain of the knights was just about to order to move back immediately when he noticed an old man with the weird clothed people.

He was shocked to see that 'that' old man was Grand Mage Marx.

He couldn't believe his eyes that his mouth was gaping.

Grand Mage Marx noticed him and his 'group'. At first he had a questioning expression as he wondered who those 'newcomers' were, then right after that he had a surprised expression. He then signaled for the Captain's group to come over.

The captain of the royal knights just ordered the group of 'mercenaries' that is still shocked to go over.

When they got over the area Marx said, "Hahaha, I thought it was some other people but it was actually the Royal knights of the Marsus kingdom."

The Captain of the royal knights was still silent.

Marx noticing the still shocked captain just said,"Sigh, is the king there?"

The captain nodded his head.

"I'll go talk to him." Said Marx


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