Chapter 63

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"Well we're in a nutty situation here."

"Beats me. Didn't expect it to come so soon."

Rodel and Jose looked around.

The Congress, senators, state officials, the media.

All were here.

"So, what about the kid?" Asked Jose.

By kid, Jose meant Alfon, the person Rodel is taking care of.

"He's on a trip towards Marsus. Along with some others. Seemingly due to the kingdom's current situation, they were ordered to check them there."

Not looking at Rodel, Jose then said,

"From what I know, that kingdom is nearly popping of their alarms and would soon drop on their "state of war"."

"State of war or not, this world is too messy. Is this how kingship and monarchy happened back in our world?"

"From what I heard, I don't even know if our kingship and monarchy could even be given to how the rule things out here. Also, are you sure we're on an another world? That's not yet confirmed right?"

Rodel glanced at Jose then replied.

"Having two moons is enough for a confirmation. Also, the color the moons are reflecting is enough."

"Atmospheric disturbance and reflected light being reflected back due to the atmosphere causing a mirror effect? Our current science can diffuse this visual evidence."

"Heh, nonetheless we'll know when the starships are ready."

"Good point."

"Okay, now shut it. The announcement of truth is about to start."


*Beep Beep*

Hmm? What's this?

"Excuse me but, what was that sound?"

Brando looked at Viyani and said,

"Excuse me for a sec."

Brando then moved to the sides of the pergola, his back facing Viyani.

Standing on the sidelines, Brando then took out a wrist watch from his pockets.

The wrist watch on the other hand was beeping.

Followed by that was a shocked expression from Brando.

What?! How could this be? A signal? Where is this coming from? More so, it's very powerful.

Should I contact HQ... But if I do then the elves already superstitious suspicions would increase...

For now... They think of us as Adventurers... Not soldiers... If they find out about our through status...

Viyani glanced at Brando's back, right after that she then began to tap the tea table.

A small, but noticeable light green light then showed on her fore finger.

Then, a small wind ball formed on it.

She then flicked the wind ball towards Brando. The small wind ball then moved towards Brando.

When the small wind ball then finally got pass Brando's back a simmer of light then appeared on Viyani's left eye.

There, Viyani saw Brando fiddling with a... Watch?

Wait... There's something in the watch...

Viyani then controlled the small wind ball to go closer.

There, she saw words piled up on one another and shapes and things she haven't seen before

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