Chapter 39

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Markoth's wall.

An earth element, volcanic class magic art.

This magic art was well known to all volcanic class mages due to it's powerful defensive capabilities, likewise also because of its powerful offensive capabilities.

When hit, the wall would absorb all types of attacks, be it physical, or mental. The wall would absorb it. After absorbing all the energy that made contact with it, it would then throw it back to the attacker with addition to its caster's own magic capability.

Unless one can overcome the threshold the wall can take, then Markoth's wall would be simply an unbreakable and very trustable wall.

Another short side is that the wall can't retaliate unless the attacker stops attacking it.

A crappy design to its original creator.

(Author note: to summarize, Markoth's wall is somewhat similar to league of legends' thornmail)

Hence why Molu have ordered to increase the magic cannons power and start to bombard the wall was simply to avoid having all the force they sent to simply rebound back to them.

And as they were on a ship, getting hit by such a force would surely cripple and decimate them.

Taking account all the possible outcomes, Molu said,

"Slowly retreat while continuing the bombard. We can't let them have the opportunity to retaliate.

Although there are only a few who are smart within the pirates, most of them knew how to read the situation. And the situation right now was clearly not on their side.

So, when they heard Molu's order, most of them breathed a sigh of relief. The situation and the losses they have receive today was simply pressuring them.

So for short, the order was a breather.

Lucilia obviously noticed the sudden retreat of the pirates. However, she knew herself that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Markoth's wall ability to retaliate may be powerfull, but it would still depend on its caster in order to hit it's target.

As a tertiary magician, using arts that is not within it's level would incure a backlash.

And with her current condition now, giving a proper aim would be nearly as tough as trying to learn different elements rather than your main element.

Hence, she can only let this matter go.


"What's that?" She thought.


"Big brother, big brother. Tally to 8 bandits, twelve o'clock low. Permission to activate sharks."

"Copy that HB-12. The shark is ready to go."

"Copy that. Dropping sharks."

The HB-12. HB for the word HummingBird and 12 as the latest model.

The HummingBird was designed specifically to infiltrate enemy lines from the front by using high speeds.

It is also equiped with 8 shark torpedoes to inflict heavy damage to the enemy ships.

Once hit by this type of torpedo, one could already say goodbye since the shark torpedo are highly explosive and has the ability to do armor piercing.

The shark torpedo also travels at the speeds around 45-60 kilometers per hour, which makes dodging nearly impossible.

Even when traveling at high speeds, the HB-12 did not go unnoticed.

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