Chapter 61

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*Malacañang palace*

"Tell us the truth!"

"What are you hiding?!"

"Are the leaked photos true? Why are you doing such experimental monstrosities?"

"Get out! All of you! The palace will not answer any of your questions!!"

Journalist and media companies from the whole country swarmed the palace gates.

The reason is not because of the recent corruption cleaning nor because of the underground organization attack.

It was actually because someone got pictures that would have considered as classified due to the current situation of the country.

What those pictures were? Well, it was demi-humans!

Someone captured pictures of the captive demi-humans that was retrieved after the military attacked the spider organization base.

And for the photographer that got those pictures, he was captured and detained until further notice.

However, the damage was done.

The moment the photos were leaked, it immediately spread into media channels and to the current country wide temporary internet connection.

It immediately caused a sensation throughout the populace and due to that, the previous suspicions the populace had intensified to a degree that was harder to control.

So, this made the previous decided time which was named as the day of truth was disturbed and the Congress went into a very troubling series of matters.


"What have the Congress decided." Said Macario blankly as he looked at the office secretary.

"The decision was to tell it to the public." Said the secretary.

"What time do they want it announced." Said Macario blankly.

"Whenever you want it announced was what they said."

"I see....." Replied Macario as he stared at the palace gates below where the media was.

"I'll take my leave now." Said the secretary respectfully after staring at Macario for some moments.

After the secretary left, three men wearing black hoods and cloaks entered the presidential office.

"President." Said one of the men in Black cloaks respectfully.

"Report." Said Macario.

"The matters issuing on Marsus kingdom have been dealt with. We also received quite a lot of information thanks to the son of the Duke."

Macario then faced the black cloaked men and sat on his worktable. Followed by that, one of the cloaked men gave a compiled file folder to Macario.

"The son of the Duke told is that his father would usually talk with him on most matters. The kingdoms movements, it's plans, etc. So, by capturing him, we received quite a lot of Intel."

The black cloaked man then showed a specific file on the compiled files then said,

"This file over here mentions the empire and it's plans to the whole region."

Macario then looked at the file.

On the file, things like recreating the whole of all the kingdoms was written. Basically they plan to renovate all of the land into something majestic.

It was completely contrast to how the Marsus kingdom reffered to it.

"What grand plans. I wonder if they have the manpower for it." Muttered Macario.

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