Chapter 20

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It's been 3 days since we arrived at the port called Subic Bay Naval base.

We had many questions at that time. When we asked, we weren't answered.

Only our question on the huge red ship and what this place is are the only ones that got answered.

Basically, the huge red ship was a cargo ship.

Even though, a cargo ship with that size?!

Only one can imagine what it contains.

And this place is actually a country!

A country called the Philippines.

Mercalos sighed.

Looking to the direction of the Naval Base, everything he witnessed here would be world-changing back home.

"The only question is..."

Would they be allowed to tell anyone what they saw here?

He threw this thought away from his head immediately.

He knows that they would be 'silenced' if they ever tell anyone about this.

He then took these thoughts at the back of his mind.

He then looked at the furniture, the bed, and many other accessories.

Just seeing them, the first time Mercalos saw these, he already knew that they are high class.

However, the moment he asked the Filipinos about it, they just told them it was common goods.

Common goods!

This type of quality are nothing but common goods to them!

It was just unimaginable.

If it was common goods here that would just explain how rich this country's people are.

If only he could obtain a few.....

The door of his room suddenly opened. He was surprised at it.

He thought it was the soldiers of the Philippines coming to 'silence' him, but it was just Lucilia.

He made a sigh of relief.

"Why are you in a rush that you would even want to slam the door?"

Lucilia's face was red. Looking at Mercalos she said strongly,

"Come. With. Me. Now!"



Mercalos was there, thinking about his thoughts on the current situation.

While Lucilia was there with a fresh smile.

And there were the onlookers, literally looking at them with the face of "what the hell is going on look"

Simply because Mercalos was being dragged by Lucilia on the collar.

Mercalos couldn't take it anymore, he asked,

"I know that you're aggressive on many occasions, but, why would you humiliate me to this extent huh?"

Lucilia, with the still fresh smile, replied nonchalantly,

"Oh nothing, it's just that, there's a guest that we would really need to see if we want to tell the people of our foundings on our expedition."

Mercalos became interested, he surely, of course, do want to tell the Merchant association of this place.

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