Chapter 58

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*Elf and Dwarf city, Edrius*

*The City Lord's guest room*

"When are his highness coming here?" Asked Viyani.

"Soon my lady." Said an attendant.

"Okay then. Brufus, can you go and inform the other officials to be ready. Also, get some of our dwarves to prepare for a normal and different type of carriage. I received noticed that they would be coming here privately."

"Privately?" Asked Brufus, a dwarven elder.

"Yes privately. It appears they are trying to hide this from some nobles."

Hearing this, Brufus nodded and then immediately left to relay Viyani's orders.

After Brufus and her attendant left, Viyani then took out an small Jade blue like sphere from one of the drawers on her work table, placed it on the table, then silently chanted an elven enchantment.

In the world of Sonari, there are four types of enchantments.

These four types have each of their own beneficial and unique traits to different types of magic

One, the human enchantment. Although it is called the human enchantment it mostly preferred by humans as a Magil.

As humans are very adept and can adapt to different types of magic, by using their Magil, certain factors on their magic may become stronger or in other cases, something like a huge boost to their magic power.

Two, the beastman enchantment or Magil. For beastmen, using their Magil is something they rarely do, but if they do use it. They would then have used it for additional resistances and increasing their strength.

Moreover, the magic that most beastmen are adept at are Earth magic. Coupled up with their Magil, one could just imagine how strong and tough a beastman could become.

Although in some cases, their Magil is something that could be regarded as complicated. Why? Well, like humans, they can use different types of magic. Beastmen however, are only adept to a certain element. Due to this, they also have different types of Magil.

Example, if your a fire magic user, then you should use a fire type Magil.

Three, the dwarven enchantment or Magil. The dwarven Magil is concentrated to the elements Earth, Fire and Magma, a combination of both earth and fire. Why only these elements? Well, that's because of the inbuilt capabilities of dwarves for blacksmithing, construction, weapon production, and the like.

Magil on this elements increases the chances of creating something good out of nothing for short.

In fact, due to this Magil, dwarves were able to create Legendary class weapons and armours and also creating and constructing impenetrable cities and fortresses.

Four, The Elven enchantment or Magil. Compared to the others, the elven magil could be considered calming for the mind and soul as the elven magil attached itself not to the elements but to the spirits.

Due to this, the Magil is one of the most complicated out of all the Magils there are.

Moreover, since this Magil attaches itself to the spirits, one can then either talk or form a contract with the spirit. Making the contracted person use the spirits' power and then forming a bond with it.

This term is then called, spirit contract.

Throughout the past, there were many debates wether this should be called a Magil or not, but up til now, an answer was never given.

A light projection then projected itself from the Jade blue like sphere Viyani took out.

On the projection, writings then appeared out of nowhere.

This writings in actuality, were reports, reports on the movements of Brando and his group.

"Going around the shopping area...."

"Relaxing on the city park...."

"Playing games...."

"Giving themselves a tour on the city..."

Seeing the reports, Viyani couldn't help but feel perplexed.

Unlike what most humans do, Brando and his group seems to be carefree, not minding their situation or whatever.

Rather, instead of being wary and careful, they'd instead do the things they want while following what seemed fit from all the rules and regulations the city has.

For short, they were treating the city like it was a vacation spot.

While coursing through all these reports, a knock was then heard from the door.

"Come in." Said Viyani.

As the door opened, Viyani's attendant came into view.

"My lady, they are here."

Hearing this, Viyani stood up, took a breath in and out, and then said.

"Call Brando and his group to the garden."

The attendant nodded and then left.


"Where did she say well go to?"

"To the garden."

Confused why, Brando inquired further.

"Why the garden though?"

As Brando asked this, the attendant merely then shrugged her shoulders.

Seeing this, Brando just followed in silence, no longer inquiring about it.

However, his confusion was even more so. Based on how things were going when handling matters with royalty, one would mostly go to a private guest room or the throne room.

Moreover, these two locations would be more secured as it is inside and can be viewed by most guards on the area. Increasing security.

The garden however, was different from these two locations.

Brando had his fair share of strolling throughout the castle and the city itself. And he could say two words about it. Open area.

The garden is an open area, and was probably around 1000 square meters or 0.001 square kilometers.

This area is enough to plant your own little forest and build your own eco-park. In some cases, build your own mansion as well.

Back to topic, there is no problem if they were to meet there, the security measures however, is a different matter.

The city Lord's garden has its own symmetrical design. Perfectly lined trees, a little lake, some smooth rock formations that Brando has no idea how they got that there, and anything one could consider to nature's beauty.

That was the garden.

The offside is that, there are also many areas where assassins and hitmen could hide. Moreover as Magic exists, those factors could increase double than that.

Guards as well could not just check every nook and cranny as they have to protect the royalty, which then increases the chances of having some unwanted visitors making trouble.

So the garden meet up place just seemed non-feasable.

But in the midst of reality, they chose the garden. Which just shunned Brando's expected areas of meet ups into the dark.

As Brando was contemplating on why the city lord chose the garden, they finally arrived at the entrance of the garden.

And when they arrived, some people on Brando's group that didn't seen the garden yet exclaimed in amazement.


"Is this paradise?"

"It's bright."

"Looks like we just arrived at the Garden of Eden."

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