Chapter 25

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There are only 20 items being auctioned at the Grand Auction. And every item displayed was not just heavily contested but also was very rare in the market.

This is why this auction was called the Grand Auction.

By the time the eight item appeared, the people at the second floor made their moves.

"1987, 57,000!"

"2654, 60,000!"

"5863, 70,000!"

The people at first floor were astounded by the prices the upper floor were giving, even the first seven items didn't reach 70,000 pesos.

In the end, the eight item was sold for 95,000 pesos. This thoroughly made a commotion not just on the first floor but also at the second floor.

Within the third floor room that Rodel and Co was in. Still misleaded by Rodel's own currency conversion, Mercalos, the Ministers, the King, and Lucilia, was shell-shocked at this price.


95,000 pesos just for the eight item!

That's equivalent to 95,000 gold coins!

This is just crazy, literally crazy!

While the crowd was still making a commotion, the ninth item came like a flash.

The starting bid was 65,000.

The price was high to most of the people at the first floor, but nevertheless people from the first floor still bidded on it.

"375, 68,000!"

"745, 70,000!"

"835, 72,000!"

Back at the room occupied by the Rodel's group, Mercalos was contemplating.

The item being auctioned was some sort of a metal man. Based on his observations, the height was somewhere around 3-5 senus.

(Author note: If you don't know what's senus, go back to chap 2)

Mercalos asked Rodel what this metal man was.

"Sir Rodel, I'm just wondering what this metal man is? Is it another type of guard? Based on what the auctioneer said earlier, this thing is known as a Mech. This term is the only thing I was able to get a gist of. So I'm just wondering what this thing is actually, so, can you answer my question?"

Rodel didn't expect a sudden rain of questions to be brought to him, but nonetheless he still answered it.

"Well yes, this 'thing' that you are referring to is called a Mech. The rest that you heard is what's called as specs."

Receiving a new term, Mercalos threw another question.

"Specs? What's that?"

With a smile, Rodel answered Mercalos question once more.

"Specs is what makes the Mech's total performance. Be it flying, constructing, transporting, or fighting. The Mech's performance would be tested on this. If the specs are too low, the mech would be nothing more than a piece of junk. If it is high though, it would be able to show an impressive performance on any occasion."

Rodel stopped and contemplated for a bit then continued.

"If I were to make what I said in to something much more understandable to you, then I would say that a Mech can give someone that has no magic to have at least the capability to contend someone with magic."

(All guests not including Jose and Rodel) "!!!!!!!!"

"Wha-what?" Asked the King, stuttering.

With his nonchalant look, Rodel replied to the king's stuttered question.

"The armor of this or any other mech is tough enough to withstand most of all considered powerful attacks. Followed by its own weapons already given, it can pack a punch to anything that it fights. The only offside is how skilled it's user is."

Sweat began dripping down their foreheads when Rodel said this. Tough enough to withstand most of the powerfull attacks? Isn't that the same as saying that this Mech can even withstand high grade spells and martial skills. And followed by its so called weapons that can pack a punch.

This is just crazy! Literally crazy!

They felt shivers go down their spine just by thinking about this.

"We must not make an enemy of these people! We must not!" They all thought.


Time passed, item after item is being presented to the people. By the time the 16th item appeared, the prices already reached astronomical values.

Seeing the same thing over and over again, the King and the rest was already used to this huge prices.

Instead of being shock at the astronomical bids being given by this people, they calmed down and started to think.

Surely all these items being presented is of high quality. The prices alone could already explain that.

Mercalos would glance at Rodel from time to time, others would have a weird misunderstanding just by this actions of his but to him, it what would he call observing without getting noticed.

Thinking for some moments, he went into his own concentration form.

"This prices, this items. This items are incomprehensible to us but to these diplomats....... they would surely know it's value. Now for my own suspicion...... why would they invite the King to this auction? Surely this auction would give us a general understanding of their country...... but why do I feel that there is some other reason?"

These thoughts are what's clouding Mercalos' mind.

He then mustered some confidence to ask, but before he could do so, Rodel spoke in his smiling nonchalant voice.

"Hehe, the 17th item is about to get auctioned. So, want to bring souvenirs back to your place?"


Even though the temperature within the room was cool, beads of sweat still rolled down at Mercalos' back


Bring it back as souvenirs?!

Stuttering, he asked.

"I-im sorry, wh-what? Bring i-it back as sou-souvenirs?"

Smiling, Rodel replied.

"Well yeah."

Rodel then looked at Jose, Jose on the other hand, just sighed.

"Our country's leaders knows about the current situation on the Republic which you guys are a part of. We received reports on the movements of the Pilanda empire. Our men within the Republic also got news of their plans on them taking over the Marsus kingdom. Due to this, as part of our friendly relations, our leaders would want to give you a little souvenir when you get back to your place. And our purpose for bringing you guys with us to this auction is of course, to retrieve the souvenir that would be given to you."

After Jose said this, the King, Ministers, Lucilia, and Mercalos were silent.

They knew that the items on this auction were of high class, and to just give it to them just to ensure their........ safety?


The King couldn't explain his current feelings right now. He himself knows that the situation was turning for the worst within the Republic, and that it was only a matter of time before the chains holding the three kingdoms were to be broken by the Empire.

Receiving help from a powerful country just like that was simply just.....

"Thank you...."

Rodel simply smiled at this. He then looked directly below the stage and a serious expression exchanged his happy-go-lucky temperance.

"Alright then, now put your eyes in the stage. The shows about to begin."

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