Chapter 34

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"Go! Go! Go!"

"Captain! We don't have a Wind crystal. I'm afraid that..."

"It does not matter! Just do everything you can to increase our speed."

The La Camesa, with it's captain, Lucilia, is now in a dire situation.

The Black Eel pirates, known for its huge pirate fleet, are currently chasing them.

Lucilia herself does not know what would happen if they are to be captured. But she does know one thing. And that is that being captured by them would not end in a good way.

"They're on our tail!"

Lucilia went to the stern of La Camesa. There, three ships from the Black Eel pirates are getting closer to them.

However, the sails of these ships seems to be glowing.

"Gale magic! They're actually using Gale magic!" Exclaimed one of Lucilia's men.

"Wah!? Gale magic?!"

Gale magic. An advanced version of Wind magic. Wether if it's by means of transportation or in military means, Gale magic is a notch higher than Wind magic.

Only magicians that have practiced wind magic to its strongest form can one then practice Gale magic.

Moreover, Magicians that can use Gale magic can only be amounted to a few thousand in an academy, a few hundred in a personal army, and a few tens in a group.

And, as only three ships are only chasing them with the help of Gale magic. None from Lucilia's people could tell on how many Gale magicians the Black Eel pirates has.

Gritting her teeth, Lucilia shouted,

"Go! Go as fast as we can! To those proficient in Earth magic, concentrate on increasing our defense. To those that has experience in fighting, it's time to use those skills on our predicament."

"Heed my call, I know that, probably not all of you, but some of you have their own families. I now then order those people to leave La Camesa as of now, take our emergency boats and bring along one person that is proficient in wind magic."

"You may feel patriotic, but that is not needed here. If we all disappear then who would avenge us in the future. If you're still unwilling then I would welcome myself from kicking you off the ship personally."

"Now go!"

A number of the ship's crew had dark faces. They felt like they were ridiculed but at the same time not. They couldn't understand it.

Nevertheless, they still had to follow.

Lucilia looked at the three ships tailing them sternly.

She breathed in and out deeply, raised her hands, with her mouth, seemingly mumbling occasionally. This was followed by some other members of the crew.


"Hahahaha, look at them running around. I'm sure that they're panicking at this moment."

"Ha! Why wouldn't they. Just knowing that we have Gale magicians on board probably made them scared shitless by now."

"Well said. Moreover they're captain looks good.... Hihihi, I need to get permission from our captain hehehe."

On the helm of the ship, a man in luxurious green robes looked at those people with disgust.

"Sure enough, pirates are degenerates of the naval society. Why would the empire even order us magicians to work with such degenerates."

The man looked behind him. There another man in blue robes and a woman in red robes, were watching the ongoing situation.

The two had a blank poker face but they're eyes shows unhidden disgust.

The man then looked at the other two ships that went ahead with them.

Although he couldn't see the expressions of the magicians there, but he can already presume that they have unhidden disgust as well.

The helmsman of the ship that this man was in looked at him.

"~~Mr. Gale magician~~, is there a problem?"

The man looked at the helmsman, but then immediately looked away. He couldn't help but have shivers in his spine because of the tone used, moreover it was a man that used such tone.

"Persevere, persevere" the man trying to calm himself.

The two, man and woman behind the man in green robes, who previously had blank poker faces, now showed pity at the man in green robes.

The man in green robes in the other hand, didn't notice this since now, he saw magical flunctuations coming in from the front.

When he looked at the front, he saw one huge brown magic circle and four blue magic circles.

A second after he looked, water Jets appeared from the blue magic circles and immediately sprinted at them.

Seeing this, he shouted,

"Prepare a defense!"



Right after Lucilia said this, her four other men pointed their hands in front of them.

After the men did this, the water Jets immediately sprinted towards the three pirate ships chasing them.

After that, huge rock clusters appeared on the magic circle Lucilia formed, then she pointed her hand in front of her as well.

The rock clusters that she made immediately sprinted towards the three ships as well.

After that, she retrieved the small black sphere and said the word, "navigate". After that was followed by a red light pointing at her back. She then gave it to the helmsman and said,

"Follow where that light leads us."

The helmsman was new to the crew so he didn't knew what it was but then, he still had to follow the order. He then immediately steered the ship to follow where the red light was pointing.

The three pirate ships immediately became alarmed at the sudden attack made by Lucilia and her men, so, they immediately steered the ships side ways to avoid getting hit.

But of course, they're just common pirates. The moment they steered their ships sideways, the water jets and the rock clusters hovered and immediately made a turn.

"Tch, idiots as always" said the man in green robes.

The man in green robes then looked at the man and woman behind him and nodded. Likewise, the two also nodded at him.

The two then immediately acted, two colors of magic circles, blue and red, appeared.

The man in green robes also erected a magic circle.

By the time the water jets and the rock clusters were near them, a wall made of water appeared followed by visible trails of wind.

The rock clusters and water jets immediately dispersed, the wall of water and wind trails were then brought down and what followed was a long trail of fire zooming towards the La Camesa.

The same situation occured on the other two pirate ships where a long trail fire also zoomed towards the La Camesa.

Lucilia seeing this, squinted her eyes. She then moved her hands like how a maestro would do in a music play, the magic circle in her control also grew bigger in size and her normal brown irises then turned golden brown.

She then lowly said,

"Blackstone pillars."

The brown magic circle was very eye catching as even Molu, the captain of the Black Eel pirates, noticed it. It was then followed by a very serious expression as he murmured the words,

Grandel magician.

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