Chapter 37

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A bright smile outlined Molu's face just by seeing the current situation.

He didn't know how those secondary stage magicians, inflict such a heavy hit on his target, but he couldn't care less.

The sudden change of situation also made him somewhat relieved, because just by using the magic cannons was already a burn on his pocket, also, those cannons would need a lot of materials and resources just to send a single shot.

He wasn't a gold mine like the kingdom nor was he a magic crystal mine like the empire, hence, every single resource he has, is treated like a family inheritance.

"Go! The enemy has already been decimated. This is our chance. Make haste!"


"Haaa, haaa"

Panting heavily, Lucilia was wide eyed as she looked at her surroundings.

"That strength..... That's not that of a tertiary stage? It's more of a bunch of secondary stage magicians using there own magic arts to create and imitate tertiary stage spells! A true fire Phoenix would have not made the stern of the ship charred but it would have already collapsed! My shield as well should have also been truly destroyed since it was that of a early stage Grandel magician magic art while a fire Phoenix is a late stage Firya magician magic art."

Lucilia looked straight at the two ships that shot the fire trails and the imitated fire Phoenix sternly.


Raising a brow, Lucilia noticed another ship approaching at very fast speeds towards them.

"Hmm? Those things poking out... Wait. I-isnt that a magic cannon?! More so there's two of it!!"

Lucilia felt incredulous. Just seeing the magic cannons made her think that she wasn't fighting pirates but a was fighting a naval fleet instead.

She blinked her eyes multiple times at the Black Eel pirates flag just to make sure she wasn't mistaken on who she just fought.

"Ho-how come the Black Eel pirates has possessions of magic cannons??! These pirates are famous for being notorious, not because they possess powerfull weapons!!"

Lucilia racked her brain on how the Black Eel pirates could have such a weapon, that was until, a sudden realization hit her.

And that was, none lived to tell the tale.

Lucilia couldn't help but feel desperate at the moment. At first, she was sure that there was still a chance for them to escape, but now, she was sure that chance probably didn't even exist in the first place.

But she knew she had to do something.

Gripping her hands tightly, the magic circle behind her started to grow brighter. Her irises and the wristbands have also started to grow brighter. And then, a golden mark started to grow on her nape, slowly forming.


"Something's wrong..."

The man in green robes suddenly felt a huge magic influx swirling around them. His other fellow mages, also had the same expressions.

All of them followed where the influx was headed to, until they're eyes landed on one person.

"Wha-what the...."

"Thi-this...... Ho-how....."

Fear started to pervade their eyes. They have never seen such a colossal amount of magic influx. Even when they were at the royal academy of the Empire, such a happening have never before seen by their own eyes.

By this time, the pirates have started to notice the disturbance as well. Although they could not see magic like how mages would perceive them, they could at least see and feel the disturbance within the air, the waves, and their own sails, have started to direct themselves to a certain location.

Molu, with his vast experience, have also sensed such a disturbance earlier, and when he saw the cause of why there was such a disturbance, he turned grim and immediately ordered a retreat.

"This..... This is not good."

The magic circle grew brighter and brighter, and the person who's only shadow it was casting, raised her hand, and glared at them.


An innumerable amount of magic circles were immediately laid in the surrounding area. What came out of those magic circles, were spikes and clusters of various of different types of earth.

With a flick of her finger, the spikes and clusters immediately headed towards to all the ships within the range of what Lucilia can procure.

Panic-stricken, the magicians immediately flew to the ships at their back. They didn't dare wait nor tried to block it, because they only know one end when they tried to do so, and that end would be a miserable one.

Even after being occupied by the things surrounding her, the immediate escape did not get unnoticed.

She then pointed a finger to the direction of the magicians. The moment she did so, a portion of the spikes and clusters immediately changed directions and sprinted towards the magicians.

The 3 Minera magicians, secondary stage of water, immediately abandoned flying and then controlled the water. Their speed immediately increased, twice as faster than flying.

The 3 Gale magicians on the other hand immediately formed hand formations. After they did so, green light glowed on their bodies and then their speed increasing.

The unlucky ones were the Flamain magicians. They didn't have any environmental element in their surroundings to aid them, hence, they were immediately caught by the spikes and clusters, either turning them into blood mists or minced meat.

Seeing such a cruel end, the remaining magicians felt pressured, the pressure of seeing death near them. They're eyes were also clearly portraying fear.

Back in the Empire's academy, they were hailed as this generations most talented among all the other 100 since they were able to reach the secondary stage of their perspective elements within half a year.

They were praised endlessly, they were considered to be one of the top, one of the best.

When this task was shown back at the academy, they took it since the merit was high. High for a capture the target task.

Seeing themselves as people with proper skills and having gained experience for half a year, they thought that it would be easy, just like their other tasks.

But experiencing such situations now, they now know how naive they were. At this point, only a few amount of words lingered in their minds.

And that was to run, never to come back.


Seeing the hasty escape made by the Empire's magicians, Molu knew that the whole operation this time went backwards.

He was enraged at Lucilia had done, however, he also regretted it.

He regretted being overconfident. He let down his vigilance just because they have Magicians to aid them at this operation, the result was then showed right after, and that was him receiving heavy losses.

Molu knew he can only rely for himself at this moment, he looked around, the ships that were outside Lucilia's range had their gunpowder cannons getting prepared, while the ships within Lucilia's range were mercilessly being sunk one by one.


Molu looked at the person that called him.

"The magic cannons are ready."

Molu looked alternately between his men and the La Camesa. He then breathed in deeply and said loudly,


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