Chapter 33

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Black Eel pirates. These pirates were not famous due to them being notorious and cruel but they were famous due to them owning one of the largest pirate fleet out there.

Within the whole fleet, only one ship was the one with a Kingdom-class weapon. That ship was also the ship were the captain of the pirates are sailing with.

Within the cabin, there was a bearded man with a very ugly scar on his left eye. The man's expression seems like it was reminiscing.


"Good evening Captain Molu."

After this was said, two half-cloaked women appeared out of nowhere. They were also wearing masks which hid their expressions.

This surprised everyone on the deck that was having their merry time. That surprise however immediately turned into lust as the newcomers hag great figures.

This alone could already incite their beastly desires.

The bearded man.... Captain Molu, came out from the darkness and looked at the newcomers with penetrating gazes.

"Who are you? What do you want!" Said one of Molu's men.

The female newcomers didn't pay attention to this person and simply ignored him.

This instigated anger to that person as he charged to the women.

"I'll skin you!" He roared.

Seeing this many others of Molu's men smirked like they have already seen the demise of these women.

The man that charged at the women were known to be Big black bull within the whole crew. The name was given to this person since this person was dark in skin color and was also very muscular.

The person known as Big Black bull was already smirking as he was charging.

"Hehehe, I'll have my fun with the two of you until you break!" He happily thought.

As he was charging however, a silver flash happened in a blink of an eye.

Big Black bull then fell on one knee until his whole body then finally fell face first.

No one was able to react as they saw that Big Black bull had a dagger stabbed behind his head that was then followed by a pool of blood.

They were only able to react when someone raised their weapon to the women.

Machetes, Scimitars, Maces, and all types of weapons were pointed at the women.

The situation continued to be like this for some moments until it was broken by one the women.

"Is this how you welcome your guests Captain Molu?"

The voice was very flirtatious and enchanting but after the scene were Big Black bull was killed without resistance, everyone now on the ship knew that this voice was a viper's temptation.

"Who are you?" Said Molu.

The two newcomers were not ordinary. And the strength that they just showed already told him that they could have killed him already of they wanted too. The thing is, they didn't. Due to this Molu couldn't help but think that they wanted to make him do something.

"Who we are is not important, but I'll tell you that we do came from the empire."

Gasps were heard when the word empire came in. Even Molu couldn't help but have his eyes go wide when he heard this.

"We're dealing with the empire?!" He thought.

The truth was even hardened when the two women showed the Empire's insignia.

Seeing this all the men on the deck made three steps backwards.

An insignia had a very complex magic structure, and such structure has its own aurea. Due to this, a fake copy of an insignia can easily be seen from all of the real ones immediately.

And the aurea of the Empire's insignia was overbearing. The aurea of the insignia's that these women showed also had that same overbearingness.

Molu began to have dark lines on his forehead. Even if he was cruel and won't let anyone who provoked him off, he is not an idiot to start a fight with the Empire.

So, he immediately went to the point.

"What do you want?"

Molu looked at the two women intently. He could already tell that these women were smirking even if they were wearing masks.

"We are under orders to do some investigations. And our investigations lead us to a person named Lucilia. Last time she went on an expedition to the Sea of fog, then came back two weeks later after her crew set off. He crew's stories involved them seeing large monsters never before seen, but, it's quite questioning that if they saw such monsters why were there ship unscathed. There must be something within that fog that could lead to our suspicions. So I want you, and your fleet to get her for us."

Molu raised an eyebrow. He himself also heard about such things but just inclined those things as rumours. If what the empire is saying true....

Molu was silent for some time, he then said,

"What would be our reward then."

"Your names as pirates would be cleared and your fleet would become one of the Empire's personal fleet. You would also receive a 100,000 gold renumeration if your ships were damaged when Lucilia's crew tries to retaliate."

Molu's men were shaken when they heard the rewards. Being a fleet of the Empire was a grand reward for all those sailors wanting to enter the Empire's navy, much less a personal fleet. The 100,000 gold renumeration was also a very tempting reward. But they're names as pirates being cleared.....

Molu himself was also shaken. He then started to think about the risks and compared it to the rewards.

"It's only a simple explorer ship right?"

Contemplating for some moments, Molu then said,

"Alright, I agree. I hope you can keep your words."

The two women disappeared from everyone's view immediately the moment Molu agreed.

Then everything else proceeded normally like nothing happened.


"Captain! That explorers ship is now within view!"

Molu looked into the horizon and saw a single ship there.

"Those carvings..... That's the ship alright."

"Raise the sails! Put everything on increasing our speed! They must not escape do you hear me!"

Followed by his words were the cures of his men.


(^^^^ Author note: Ye)

Molu was giving himself bright smiles just thinking about the rewards he would get.

He also thought that since the Empire only wanted the explorer and not the ship, then he would just come and get it as an additional to his rewards.

However, he never expected that his actions that he would about to be doing now would actually instigate an storm that would even wipe the Empire clean.

And this storm shall cause ripples in the world as it leaves it's name in this worlds history.

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