Chapter 47

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Tala then raised the Grenade Launcher, aimed it at the high rise tsunami's, then fired.


A blue looking canister then shot out from the Grenade launcher. And this time, it was glowing.

When the canister was about to reach the high rise tsunami wave, a *clink* was then heard. At the same time, Brando shouted,

"Eman, thrust it!!

The canister-glowing object then exploded, in a radius of 8 meters, that part of the tsunami wave froze instantly.

Brando then went towards an E-M134 and started shooting at the frozen part of the wave.

"Head towards that frozen area!!"

Eman then steered the speed boat towards the frozen chunk on the large wave. By slamming themselves through it, they were able to bypass it.

Brando then looked around, after looking around, his eyes then straightened into a slit.

He then looked at Nievas and said,

"2 o'clock!!! Big one!!"

Nievas then looked at the direction Brando just gave her and then looked back at him with incredulous eyes.

"Commander!! Are you crazy!! That thing is high enough to even topple a cargo ship!!"

Brando then looked at her with questioning eyes and then said'

"How are you sure that it's high enough to topple a cargo ship when you couldn't even measure properly due to all of these waves? And besides, we have 3 more rounds. We can do this."

Every single person on the speed boat then looked at the high spirited Brando with Incredulous eyes. This, though, excludes Eman.

"Eman head towards the largest wave!!"

Eman then nodded and then steered the speed boat towards the wave Brando pointed despite all the rebuttal from his teammates.

Brando then simply smiled and then shouted,



* 67 nautical miles away from Malacañang Royal port*

"Vice Admiral Rigal, We have a call from Admiral Aurelio."

Vice Admiral Rigal, a man reaching his retirement days. His looks may be that of a 40 year old man but his actual age is that his 55.

His position was actually that of reverse that of Aurelio. Aurelio was the Vice Admiral, while he was the Admiral.

But as time passed, he then gave the position to Aurelio.

To those of his time, people that knew him well knew that Rigal was Aurelio's teacher on for all of Aurelio's years on the Navy.

"Put him in."


Rigal was taken aback by the sudden shouts that was heard over the radio.

"Who is this? Why are you shouting?" Asked Rigal.

"Teacher!! It's me Aurelio! I need scout planes and DF MI-8 transport helicopters on my location. I'll send the coordinates right away."

The call ended.


"Sir, we just received coordinates on Admiral Aurelio's location. It's somewhere Southwest of here."

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