Chapter 55

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"On the ground. Now!"


"Get behind me Miya!"

This... What are those creatures?! I can't see their faces. But i hear voices...

"I said on the ground. Now!"

That 'thing' then raised something at me. I don't know what it was, but something tells me that its not something i can trifle with.

I then glanced at my sister and whispered,

"Miya.... Follow my lead."

My sister's ear perked a bit and then she nodded.

Seeing this, i slowly then crouched and lowered my head. My sister who saw my actions, did the same then.

One of those 'things' then went to my and my sister's backs. Then, it forcefully took my arms to my back and then put something on it.


I immediately looked at my sister as i heard her shriek. There, i saw that 'thing' force her to the ground, then, it brought her hands to her back. Seemingly they tied her hands.

"Get them to the surface. The rest, continue."


"Beehive, we have two unarmed...... Human-animals. Bringing them to you now."

"Copy that Delta team"

"Human-animals? are they referring to us?"  Thought Kyle.

I noticed my sister's gaze at me. It was filled with worry.

I smiled in response to this, indicating to her it will be alright.

Then all of those 'things' then left and only one remained. Then the one that remained then stood me and my sister up and then said,

"Move it."

"T-to where?"

It then pointed to the passageway it came from.


"This is the NBI and the military! Surrender now or face heavy fire!!"

"Fuck! Their in here already?! What happened to our guys at the surface!?"

"Their probably dead by now."

"We have a call! They said to leave the facility now."

"And those freaks?"

"Leave them."

Han'zi, father of Kyle and Miya, lied there, half-conscious and half-dead. Their tribe, the Black Wolf tribe, was a very strong tribe. That was, until, humans with weird armaments attacked their tribe.

Our warriors were slaughtered. They didn't even had a chance to retaliate as they were all slain from afar. After that, they raided our tribe. Men, women, and children alike, all were taken.

We were brought to these large square like things. Then, we were kept in the dark.



"Pota!! They're at our backs as well!

(A/N: Pota = Fuck)

We didn't know how long we were in the dark. Perhaps days, weeks. The people of our tribe were starving. Others even attempted to eat their once own friends, family alike.

Then we once more saw the light of the day. At that, we had a glimpse of each other. Pale, thin, messy. There were many words that could have described our image at that time.

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