Chapter 59

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"Did we just enter a new world?"

"Haven't we entered one already?"

"Not confirmed...."

Hearing all the comments from his team of people, Brando simply smiled at it.

He has been here before, and we'll, he's reaction was slightly like theirs but not that exasperated.

"My lady have instructed me to guide you to the square. Please follow me."

Hearing this, Brando nodded and signaled the others to follow.

As they were following Viyani's attendant, Brando's group couldn't help but make exasperated sighs and the like.

The view around the garden was simply breathtaking.

At the same time, they couldn't help but give pitiful sighs.

Back in their country, they also had something similar to this garden.

It was called Avatar mossy forest. Situated in Compostela valley.

Yup, that's right. The tree's here were the same as that from the Avatar mossy forest. It was also covered in light orange moss, giving an additional points to its beauty.

The only difference was that the garden here is more organized as pathways are done and moongates can be spotted from time to time.

"We're here." Said the attendant

Brando and the rest looked around.

The place they arrived had at most, a fantasy like beauty to them.

The ambience the place they arrived at were unexplainable, they somehow felt at peace.

They were soldiers at the front. They have shedded blood and sweat in their operations.

In some aspects, they no longer bat an eye when they kill someone, like that person doesn't even mean anything.

By being here, they felt that all those blood that they had shed seemed non-existent at all. They felt renewed.

Looking around, Brando showed an expression of interest.

"Where is this place?" Thought Brando.

He had already strolled the garden before so he knew some of its ins and outs. This place however, he hadn't seen this one before.

The place had four tall rocks that were making half arcs at it's top. The rocks were positioned on the position of all the four points of a square. On the rocks, there seems to be some writings on it.

"Please continue walking. Lady Viyani is waiting inside."


"What does she mean by that?"

Urged by curiosity and without even glancing at Nievas and the rest, Brando then took a step forward. Towards the center of those rocks.

The moment he reached the center, the former mossy forest that was in his vision suddenly changed.

It was now a large lake and an plain grass field swaying in waves due to a light breeze.

"What the...."

The sky was blue, the light of the day, shining gracefully, contrails are also occasionally seen.


"Wha-! where are we?"


Looking behind him. Brando was baffled.

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