What's Next?

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Thank you all so much for following along with this story and showing your support. It means so much to me! Thank you so much for having patients too, especially during the long periods between updates.

Many will be asking what will be happening with the series now.

At the moment, I will not be writing more stories or sequels set in this world on Wattpad. It ends with this story. That being said, I do have plans to expand this world further, but they are going to have to wait. I have a lot of editing to do first to tighten everything up. I know there are plot holes and continuity errors that need fixing as well as an all-around re-work.

Thank you again so much for reading this story and supporting it. It brings me so much joy knowing you all enjoyed it and I hope you are satisfied with its conclusion.

If you have any questions, then please let me know!

Again, thank you all so much for following me on my journey and I hope you can all stick with me as I try and build my writing career.

Thank you so much!

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