Entry Number Forty-Three (2/16/2011)

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Dear readers,

I just finished eating a chocolate muffin w/ chocolate icing and then some stew. They were yumz.

I didn't miss much yesterday. 

In English they wrote some and talked.

In Math they studied for the test we had today(pretty easy).

In Physical Geography they watched videos about the Big Bang. We continued watching them today.

I did the Graphic Arts stuff at home since it was on the computer.

I don't rly know what we did for Reading Tudors, but whatever. I didn't miss much.

I really enjoyed Reading Tudor today. 'Twaz fun. The students are:

Girls:                     Guys:

Sky                         Liu

April                       Kimi



So far, the one I get along with best is Sky. She's kool.

It's funny that I remember all of the Chinese and Korean students' names but not all of the tudors' names. There's Cameron A.(the only guy, plays lots of sports, was also in Leadership before he switch to this class - remember that's what I did), Mariya T.(I think she's of Russian origins, allergic to corn), Mary-Catherine D.(her mum's one of the TA's. MC, don't feel like spelling out her name again, used to play basketball until she found out that she has a back problem, email contains, or used to contain, mccoolcat. Used to be allergic to peanuts. I like her mum more than I like her), Megan F.(...friendly), _______ F.(don't remember first name, same last name as Megan but not related to her, best friends w/ Megan).

I wrote their full last names at first, but then decided against it.

The only reason I still remember all this stuff is because I have this thing where I can remember the most insignificant facts about people. I don't even have to talk to them. I ever hear it, I'll remember it. I know that Tyler L. and Alice L. both have a Nov 22 birthday. Fred C. who lives in Australia now had discostu in his email. Or at least he did. Ben S. has a Christmas B-day. John V. likes bowling.

And then there's all the stuff about my friends that they told me AGES ago that I still remember.

Anyway, that's all I really have to say at the moment.  Imma go now.



I just realized I forgot to put the date again XS woops

I still have the sore throat that I had this morning DX



I just created a new word!

This is how it waz made(in a facebook chat):

X3   haha random   XP   i jsut picked somehing i wantd and i wanted pringles XD   lolz haha I couldn't think of anything I didn't want to pick something someone else already picked 'cause I just didn't feel like it It was hard finding something 'cause I don't really use brand-name stuff BRB   lol k   back hii Imma get off soon oooo byebye X3 baii I was about to write X3 and almost wrote Xwe I like how that looks Xwe is now a word What should it mean? o-o OKAY! it will mean o-o THATS WHAT IT MEANS o-o Zwe= o-o you mean Xwe X3 yes pronounce like... gzwee 8:54pm xwe lol

I'm the one in the darker picture. Those bumps mah chin is restin' on are mah knees. The other picture is of mah best friend Jess.



Just made mah first serious YouTube video. About adults(mostly politicians) with no common sense and people who force their opinions on others.

I'm getting off soon.

I probably should do mah homework, but the teachers didn't tell me straight out to do either of them, so I'm not gonna. 

During lunch today, after I ate, I walked to the public library w/ Robert R. and brought back Evolution, Me, and Other Freaks of Nature. I'd finished it a couple days ago. I took out The Riddle, the second book after The Naming, which the library had ordered for me. Robert also brought back a book and took out a book they had ordered(for him). Then we walked back to school and went to the school library. I brought back the book City of Bones by Cassandra Clare and took out the second book of that series, City of Ashes.

I was going to say that earlier, but then I got caught up writing about me remembering random stuff about people.

When my video finishes preparing for preview(it's about 50% done) and I finish uploading it, I'm probably gonna get off. Then imma do some reading!

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