Entry Number Ninety-Three (4/7/2012)

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Hey guys!

Is it weird that reading Yaoi manga makes me think about wanting to fall in love?

Hmmm... it probably is.


I can't wait until I get out of this place. My school's administration are a bunch of idiots. 

I've also noticed that my friends are always being mistreated. I think high school teachers might have a tendency of treating non-typical-looking/acting students worse.

I mean, my friend Kayla was suspended because she missed too much school, but the thing is, at the time she was living on her own and needed to work almost full time to pay her rent and buy groceries. The school knew this. She won't be coming back. Last year, my friend Lexa was skipping class. While skipping class, she was bullied, and the bullies threw rocks at her. She told the office and got in trouble for skipping class. I don't particularly have any problem with that part, but the thing is, the bullies didn't get in trouble. They THREW ROCKS AT HER, and they didn't get in trouble. In addition, this year, my friend Karly is in danger of getting suspended because she missed too many classes because she was getting SURGERY. They got a doctors note.

I, personally, have only been sent to the office once so far in the four year I've been at this school, and that was last day of school when I was caught climbing on the bathroom stalls. I may of mentioned it before. I didn't actually go to the office.

But that might just be because I don't have died hair or facial piercings.

I find being a smart, petite blonde with glasses to be extremely beneficial when dealing with people who I should be in trouble with. If I can muster a tear or two, I'm usually off the hook.

And can usually get myself to cry, because there's just something about getting caught doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing and the possibility of getting in trouble that makes my eyes water. 

I made a Snorlax out of clay and painted it. My friend were impressed when they saw it. I may post a picture of it in the future.

I can't wait to finally be able to live in a city again. I'll get to finally meet people I haven't known since the fifth or sixth grade. Maybe I'll find someone special. 

I'm really not the type of person who can stay in the same place for 8 years and not get restless. Especially not a place that's in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

I'd say that I miss PEI, but I can't remember my time there all that well. Most of my memories there are bad ones. 

For example, in the first grade I had a crush on a kid named Lucas. Or maybe it was in Kindergarden. Anyway, he forced a kiss on me. It was my first, and it really sucked. I think I may have hit him. In the second grade me and this third grade guy for some reason would look at each other's genetalia underneath a blanket...? In the third grade we moved from Charlottetown to Summerside. I lived there for two years and dated a guy named Braden Chapel for one and a half of that. Though I'm not sure if you could really call it dating, since we were in third, and then fourth, grade. He was obsessed with dinosaurs and the Titanic. One time our mutual best friend asked me "Who do you like more, me or him?". Urghhh. I was "dating" him, so the answer was pretty obvious, right? Anyway, in the end, Braden dumped me in about a minute for my female best friend Shelby Howard or something of the like.

I may have told you guys all of this before. Like I've probably already said, my memory is complete shit.

I just thought that in Sarah Parish's voice.

She really needs to be the lead actress in an awesome movie, though she does make a fantastic bluntly honest best friend.

I shouldn't be on right now, it's 10:54. Not that I care. I'll be off for a while, then I'll be back on, but I don't think I'll be writing any more today.

Adieu, mes chéris! Je t'adores!



I'm writing more after all, but it won't be much.

I just wanted to mention something I just thought of. If I don't write it now, I know I'll forget.

Right now I'm watching Prince of Tennis.

Prince of Tennis is one of my guilty pleasures. It's really ridiculous in parts, it's quite over the top sometimes and it's cheezy and half the moves the players pull off are physically impossible, but for some reason I find it entertaining.

I think it might be the characters. Ryoma is so cute, and Kaido Kaoru is the best X3 

I wrote X3 because I promised myself a long time ago to never type less than(<) three. For some reason I find it nausiating when people type that. Well, not quite to that extent, but I just don't like it.


C ya lovies!

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