Entry Number Sixty-Nine (3/14/2011)

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Dear readers,

I had a great day today.

Granted, English and Math class weren't so great, but the rest of the day was.

All we had to do in Physical Geography was take notes. No actual work XD

At lunch, me and Robert F. went to drop off our books at the public library, but we forgot i that it's closed on Mondays during winter. It was still good though, 'cause we both thought our books were probably late, so we both had money to pay for the lateness, and therefore we had money to buy candy at the aquatic center(the pool) on the way back. 

In Graphic Arts and Design, we worked on stuff that we hadn't finished. I was finished everything, so I got to do whatever I wanted. I was going to write here, but the computer wasn't going very fast, so I watched YouTube videos instead. The teacher also gave us our overall marks so far and our marks for two of our projects. I got 97% overall, 35/36 on one project, and 36/36 on the other. 

During study block, there was a substitute teacher, so I talked with my firend Vanessa for the full half hour. That was great.

Then, last block was Reading Tudors, which just speaks for itself. Basically talking all class.

Here's a new this that I'm going to do every day. Maybe it'll get me some comments?:

Question of the day:

How was your day?

I know the question is pretty lame, but it's only the first. They'll get better(hopefully).

My keyboard just changed to French DX

Anyway, I'm gonna go watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer now. ttyl.



Kinda getting bored of Buffy again... Think I'll watch some ANTM again.



Changed my mind, going back to watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer(Spike is back XD XD XD).



Spike ended up leaving in the same episode that he came back DX

Also, I'm bored again. Don't feel like watching ANTM this time though. I think I'll watch some Yu Yu Hakusho and see how that goes. 



Today's song is really funny XD

Anyway, I'm getting off now... Doubt I'll be back on later tonight.

Usiku mwema!

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