Entry Number Three (1/7/2011)

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Dear readers,

I just realized that I have been putting down 2010 on the Titles of my entries when in actuality it has been 2011! I will make sure to fix that when I finish writing this. For those who have been following this(if there are any) I only make one entry a day, so if I have more to say later on, I go back and add it on at the and as another part, so you might have missed something If you only checked it once. 

I am currently worrying about a project that is due for presentations the day we get back to school. That is Monday. Today is Friday and I haven't worked on it all Christmas vacation. I also have an independent study due in approx. two weeks for math class that I have barely even started. Do you see now why they call me the Procrastination King? All of my friends are also procrastinators(well, almost all of them).

So I'm gonna work on the project when I go back on tonight, as well as tomorrow night, and Sunday night, also maybe Sunday during the day, depending on how far I get.

Now, since that is not good, I think it is time to write about something that IS good. Since today is Friday, it is the day when a lot of the mangas that I read come out. Which means that I can read a lot of manga! XD XD XD YAYZ!!!

 You know what's weird and annoying in a way? I always seem to think of so much to say when I get off the computer for the night. I think of a bunch of things I can write the next day, and then when the next day finally comes, I've forgotten almost everything that I wanted to say!

I got on earlier than usual today, so early that it has only turned five just now. It is practically unheard of for my brother to get off before I even ask him to. I usually have to come down early to cohearse him off of the computer. He plays WoW DX

I don't mind video games, in fact I quite like them, but mostly games where you pick a character and fight another character and Mario games. I particularly like Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door. That one is lots of fun. War games and games with guns aren't the kind of things I like, other than Team Fortress and Zombie games. I don't play them, 'cause I know I'd suck, but I enjoy watching other people play them. 

I read some more today XD Just in case you haven't realized, I quite like reading, and I read often and a lot. 

I just wrote the tags. I just picked random words from this text and put them there. One of the words isn't even in it. Banana. It is now. lolz 

In any case, I don't want to take away any more of my manga reading time, so I'm ending this here. I'll probably come back again so ttyl!


GAHHHHHH!!! There's like NO new manga! No new Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Skip Beat, The One(though there was a new one recently, so I wasn't expecting one, this only comes out every month or so), There was a new Claymore XD, but there was no 1/2 Prince(again, doesn't come out often and came out recently, so no surprised there), no Pumpkin Scissors, Saver, Eden no Ori or Ares(but that's because it came out yesterday so i read it already). Apparently Shounen Jump is taking a break so I'm probably gonna be missing some manga next week too DX

I think I'm gonna read Ares from the start again, I just love it so much XD I've also read Nephilim John(or just Nephilim) by the same writer/artist and it was good but the ending left a lot to be desired.

I also think I'm gonna show you some awesome pictures and some music from my YouTube playlist. Hmmm... I think I'm gonna put Welcome to YouTube by Bo Burnham. It's a really funny song and I hope you like it XD Also a funny Demotivational poster that I saved ages ago.

Anyway, c ya laterz maybe XD


It's almost nine, so I'm gonna be getting off soon... I really should work on my project when I get back on later, but I don't feel like it now, so I doubt I'll feel like it later, but who knows? I don't like doing work DX I feel like readin' more manga, not spending my time working DX See what I mean?This is why I procrastinate so much, I usually don't do work if I don't feel like it... I know it's a big problem, but I can't help myself! XS 

Whatever, might c ya later, buhbye! 


It's almost 12:20 and I'm back! I'm still not sure whether I'll work on my project or not, but I'm pretty sure I'll do my usual stuff(readin' manga or watchin' anime) and then, when I'm just about ready to get off, I'll organise my information so I can work on it tomorrow.

My brother was being an ass earlier, though he apologized for it after. I was only on for an extra half-hour and he got all pissed and said he was gonna disconnect the internet tomorrow when he wasn't on so I couldn't go on. He really overreacted.  Ah well, at least he apologized after. Probably because I cried because of it. You might think I was overreacting too, but manga is what keeps me together. Without manga and anime, I probably would have spent my middle school years and maybe even my high school years, utterly depressed. I'll leave the reason for a later entry, 'cause I'm not really in the mood to write about such a gloomy topic right now.

Anyway, bye again, c ya later or tomorrow! XD 


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a long while ago, I don't wanna invite any crazy stalker types, so I've changed the names of all my relatives except for my own and Mark's. I've made up names for my other siblings, an older sister and another older brother and my parents so far, and I'll make up the others when I need to and then write them down with the rest so I don't forget them. I'm also only calling my friend by their first names or their first names and an initial if there are two with the same first names.

I thought of mentioning that I'd done this after my first entry, but then I forgot. lolz 

Oh and BTW I think the best way to read this is to only read the entry the day after, that way you get everything I wrote the day before in one go. Better than having to go back to the same entry a bunch of times to see if there's something new, right? Anyway gotz ta go c ya


It's about 3:45AM... I just realized that the past three times it has actually been the 8th. Ah well, I still consider that to be tomorrow, so it doesn't really matter.

I've decided to leave the work for tomorrow after all, 'cause I'm all sore and need a nice rest in that bed of mine, in any case, I'll write again tomorrow, c ya! PX

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