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Brooklyn's POV
I woke to the sound of birds outside the window. I rubbed my eyes at the best sleep I've had in a while. I turned to see Dal wasn't there anymore. My first thought was 'oh no! He left me!..I knew he'd do this, he doesn't want me!' I thought as I panicked mentally.

Just then, the floor opened the reveal Dal, dressed in blue jeans with his leather jacket. "Morning sis....how's ya sleep?" He asked as he ran a hand through his un greased hair.

I nodded "best sleep I've had in a while" I reply as I stood up out of bed. He nods.

"Hey, I want ya to meet the gang today" he says as he lights a cancer stick off his necklace. I don't smoke. I know, it seems weird but I don't.

"The...gang?" I question. I was a little nervous. There were dangerous gangs back in New York. I wondered if this one was like those ones?

"Don't worry Brooke, they ain't dangerous like the other ones. Their good people, you'll see" he said. A lot of people just call me 'Brooke', short for Brooklyn. I nod as I started looking for my clothes.

"Get dressed, I'll be waiting down stairs okay?" He said as he started heading out. "Ya, Dal" I replied.
Dal and I hoped in a car that he was 'borrowing' from 'Buck' and started heading to the 'Curtis house'. It was silent or the car as we drove. I was itching to ask him something.

"Hey, Dally?" I used his nickname. He looked over at me as he continued driving.

"Ya, Brooke?" He replied with a questionable look. I fidgeted with the fingers.

"Why.."-I hesitated for a moment-"why'd you leave?" I finally ask the question I've been wondering for years. He looked away.

"I don't know, Brooke. I..."-he sighed-"I was just in a bad place" he said. I didn't really know what he meant by that but, I'll find out soon enough.
We made it to the 'Curtis house' as we parked outside a White House that looked a little run down. There was also a orange Ford parked out front. "Soo...who are these people again?" I ask.

"Don't worry, you'll see" he patted my kneee before getting out. I did the same thing. We walked up to the front door and to my surprise, Dal just walked in. 'Ummm..okay' I thought strangely as I followed him in.

I immediately saw 6 boys and 1 girl all together. "Hey guys, this is my sister Brooklyn" Dal motioned to me before plopping down on a couch. I waved awkwardly.

"You have a sister, Dal?" I tan boy asked with black hair. Dal nodded.

"Ohh well..hi I'm Johnny" the tan one said. I nodded and gave a slight smile. "I'm Brooklyn, Brooke for short" I replied.

"Howdy, I'm Two-bit" one with a Mickey Mouse shirt said. I nodded once again.

"I'm Soda" I looked to my left to see one with movie star looks, he gave me a smile. "And that over there, is Steve Randle" he pointed to a guy with crooked teeth. He gave me a wave as I did the same.

"That's Darry, my older brother" he pointed to a tall, muscular guy that looked around maybe 20. "Nice to meet you, Brooke" he greeted. "Like wise" I replied.

"And that's"-I looked to my right and saw the boy from yesterday I bumped into-"Pony, my younger brother" Soda said. I smiled at him as he did the same.

"I think we met yesterday" I say.

"What?" Dal asked confused.

"We ran into each other" I explained. Dal nodded in understanding.

"Oh and I almost forgot, that's Skye!" Soda motioned to a girl with strawberry hair, sitting at the table. She gave me a slight smile and I did the same.

"Nice to meet you guys" I say as I sit down on the couch next to Dal.
Almost 2 hours past as the gang and I hung out at the Curtis house. Johnny and I talked and laughed for like an hour. He's actually a pretty nice guy if ya ask me. Then Steve offered to teach me how to play poker, so we played for a little while til it got boring. But, I kept looking over at Ponyboy. I couldn't keep my eyes off his sparking green eyes. I guess Skye had noticed and shot me a glance from the table. I shrugged it off as I walked over to talk to, Soda. I thought his and Pony's name were strange but, unique at the same time.

"Hey Soda" I greet as is it beside him on the floor. "Oh, hey Brooke" he replies and flashes me his movie star smile. Suddenly, I felt the urge to get a glass of water from my throat being dry.

"Hey, could I get some water?" I ask Soda. "Ya of course, right though there is the kitchen" he pointed. I nodded as I got up and went to the kitchen.

Before I could grab a glass, Skye came in behind me with her arms crossed. She came over and started sizing me up? Little did know, all hell was gonna break loose...

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