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Brooke's POV
"Good night, Brooke" Skye rolled over and started to fall asleep.

I lay awake, looking up at the felling as I think. How could Skye think she was damaged goods? She's such a nice girl, feisty when she needs to me.

I also wondered where Dal and Twobit went off to? But I knew they'd be back so I didn't bother with it.

I closed my eyes and started to drift off.
I woke up to the irregular smell of bacon and eggs, not something I'm certainly used to. I looked beside me and didn't see Skye sleeping.

I weighed my eyes tiredly as I walked into the livid room. "Morning" Dal greeted from the table, while Twobit was back in his usual place, on the floor watching Mickey.

"Hey Dal..where you off to last night?" I question as I walk over and side hug him.

"Just went for a beer with that clown" he pointed over to Twobit, who just flipped Dal off.

"Good morning" Darry poked his head out from the kitchen where he was cooking. I'm guessing Soda was in the shower. I didn't see the other boys yet.

"Where's Skye?" I ask nobody in particular.

"Having a smoke with Ponh" Twobit replied.

I walked out onto the porch and saw Skye sitting on an old couch as Pony stood, looking out into the road. "Morning" I sighed and plopped down beside Skye.

"Hey" she greeted back.

"Good morning" Pony looked back and smiled. I remembered the new rules Darry had set, like always Two of gang together other then school, and even having a smoke. I mean, I guess he was right, you can never be to careful with these socs.

"Pony, come here" Darry called from inside, probably wanting to talk about school. That left me and Skye.

"Ready for school today?" I sigh.

"Uhh, I hate school...ours anyways. It's full of bitches and rich assholes who don't know when to quit" she shakes her head as she puts her cigarette out.

I used to not smoke when I came here, but I've kinda picked it up off the whole gang. I never knew what I was missing. It tends to relax my nerves, something I definitely could have used back in New York.

"I know...but at least we got each other" I sling an arm around her. She nods and rests her head on my shoulder.

"What do ya think Cherry, that bitch, is gonna end up doing?" Skye suddenly asked.

"You mean what's she'll get her little minions to do" I chuckle "She won't come after us herself. She knows we know how to handle ourselves. She'll play dirty. I've seen it before. I know what girls like her are" I explain.

Skye looked a little shocked. "There's the Dallas in ya" she chuckled as she stared at me. We both laughed.

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