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Dal's POV
I stormed away from the gang after Twobit and I's little brawl. How dare he even have to nerve to talk about me and how I abounded Brooke.

I continued walking until I heard feet scurry behind me. I recognized them as Johnny's. Without even turning around, I knew it was him. Everybody was smart enough to stay clear of me after a fight, but I couldn't yell at Johnny.

"You okay, Dal?" Johnny jogged up to me. I nodded and took out a cancer stick, I needed something to cool off my nerves.

We continued walking for a while. Johnny almost had to jog to keep up with my pace. When I'm mad, I tend to walk fast.

"Ya know...Twobit was right" he suddenly said. That made me stop in my tracks and turn to look at him.

"What?" I ask.

"Not what he said about you and Brooke!..but about you not letting Brooke and Skye see each other. Their miserable without each other Dal, and you know it" he said softly.

"So everyone's been telling me" I kept walking. It's not like it's anyone's business.

Johnny and I walked all the way to Buck's. Why was he still following me? Don't know. I didn't mind though.

When we got inside, Johnny sat at one of the tables as I went upstairs to check on Brooke. God knows what sick people would do...just ask Skye. This is a run down bar after all.

I knocked on Brooke's door. A rule we've had since I could remember 'always knock first' no answer came from her.

"Brooke?" No answer again. I was starting to get worried. "Brooke, Open this damn door before I kick it in!" I threaten.

"No, Fuck! Don't do that!" A pair of feet came running up the stairs.

Brooke's POV
Skye and I said our byes before going out separate ways. Man, I've missed her.

I walked all the way back to Buck's. It was getting close to dark now. I imagined Dal was still at Shepard's.

I walked inside Buck's to find Johnny sitting at one of the tables. "Hey..Johnny?" I asked confused. 'Is he here to see me?' I thought.

"Brooke, Open this damn door before I kick it in!" I heard Dal yell from upstairs. SHIT! I don't want my door kicked in!

"No, Fuck! Don't do that!" I ran up the stairs.

Dal looked to see me, half confused, and more angry. "Where the fuck were you!?" He shouted.

"What's it to you, Dal!..huh!?" I shot back. Dal looked behind me, and we both realized Johnny was still here, staring from the bottom of the steps.

"Johnny, man, would you mind heading out for a bit?" Dal asked. Johnny quickly nodded, not wanted to get involved as he scurried out.

Dal turned back to me. "You got about 2 seconds to answer me. Where. The. Fuck. Have. You. Bee"-"I'VE BEEN SEEING SKYE!" I cut him off with a shout.

"What?" Dal asked dangerously, the type I didn't like. "You heard me. I went and saw Skye because you won't let me" I replied.

He stared at me for a moment, not saying a word. I felt like testing his patients, I felt like getting under his skin, maybe then he'd finally listen to me.

"Ya know what Dal, your probably the reason mom left us in the first place!" I randomly say. He looked at me with those cold eyes of his. It was silent or a moment. Our mother was something we never talked about.

"You really want to know why she left us!? HUH!" He suddenly yelled. Another screaming match, here we come.

"Our old man was an asshole! That's why! He cheated on her multiple times!..so she left! I don't fucking blame her either!" He yelled.

"But she told me.." I trailed off. My mom had told me she left because she needed to get away not anything about our father cheating.

Dal chuckled "ya of course she told you something different...Your still a kid!" he pointed out.

"At first I didn't get it. Now I understand" I say quietly, not wanting to keep talking about our parents anymore.

"NO..you don't! So let me make"-he immediately stoped when he saw me wiping my tears. He sighed. "Look..I'm sorry, Brooke..okay?" He said.

I didn't know what hit me, but I couldn't stop the tears that came pouring down. All of a sudden, I'm in the arms of my older brother. Something that doesn't happen often. I cry into his chest as he didn't speak a word.

"It's okay. I'm sorry..I didn't mean to yell at you like that" he finally spoke. I pulled away, still wiping my tears.

"Dal...I need Skye in my life right now...okay?" I say, my voice cracking with every word. I was almost pleading.

He looked at me for a minute. "Fine" was all he said before walking into his room. He never liked to admit when someone else was right, so he'd walk away. I smiled to myself, still sniffling.

I couldn't wait to tell Skye.

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