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Skye's POV

Brooke was finally let out of the "quiet room."  She looked rough, pale; her eyes had dark circles around them.  Come to think of it, we all looked like shit.  We've been in 10 days, honestly, it felt like 10 years.

We sat outside for yard time, each smokin' a cig.  "Tim came to see me," Angela said, breaking the silence.

"How's he doin'?" Brooke asked.

She shrugged, "it's Tim.  He's always fine."  That was the end of that.  The five of us were shutting down and slowly shutting each other out.  This place really made ya question everything. 

After lunch, I was laying on my bed, listening to Jack gab with another girl, "Matthews," Jack turned to me, "come over here.  Want ya to meet Susie.  She bunks over there," Jack motioned to some area.

I slid off the bed and nodded to her.  She did the same.  "This is Matthews, Two-Bit's sister."

"Whaddya in for?"

"Assault," I muttered, "you?"

"Possession, intent to sell."

Jack nudged Susie, "she's came in with Winston and Shepard?"

"So I heard..." Susie stared me down and I didn't like it, "all heard that you owe Jack, here, a favor.  We wanna take down Debbie, Abbie, and Alex.  We run this place and they need to remember that.  You're in."  I realized it wasn't a question. What the fuck did I get myself into?

Steve's POV

I pulled up to the detention center that Skye and Brooke were at. The girls didn't belong here. I walked up to the receptionist, "I'm here to visit Skye Matthews." I said with a no nonsense tone.

She handed me a piece of paper, "go take this to the guard over there, she'll take you back."

I nodded and headed to the guard. She took my paper and took me to a room with phones and plexiglass. I sat down and waited.

A guard brought Skye out, "10 minutes," was all she said.

We both picked up the phone, "Hi Steve," she whispered into the phone.

"Hey baby," I choked back tears. She look awful. The bruising on her face was faded, but it was her eyes that got me. They didn't have that sparkle to them. She looked so lost and empty. She was pale, her face drawn and thin. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, "how ya holdin up?"

"Brooke is out of solitary now."

"How are you doin'?" I asked again.

"I'm fine." She stared at me through the glass, "I just wanna get out here."

"Only 20 more days." I couldn't wait to hold her, kiss her, and make everything ok again.

She put her hand up to the glass and I did the same, "I did something really stupid. I promised a girl in here that if she'd tell me where Brooke was, then I'd do a favor for her."

Fear shot through my veins, "what type of favor?"

"I didn't ask. Hoped she wouldn't need on until after I was out." Skye looked up at me, almost begging me to help her, "she wants me to help her and another girl jump these other girls. Somethin' about showing them whose boss."

I sighed, "what part of keep your head do you not understand?"

"Apparently all of it."  She looked away, I knew she felt awful.

The guard walked through the door and told us our time was up.  I watched Skye shuffle back into the detention center.  What the hell am I gonna tell Two-Bit.

Skye's POV

At dinner, I sat down next to Brooke, "we gotta talk."  I took a deep breath, "I think I fucked up.  Jack told me how to find that room and then said I would owe her a favor...she wants me to help her and this other girl take down Debbie, Abbie, and Alex."

Brooke stared at me, "goddamn it, Skye," was all she said.

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