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Brooke's POV
I woke to one of Mandy's feet in my face. I pushed her leg away as I sat up and looked around. All the girls were still sleeping, where we drifted off in Skye's room.

I stood and started walking down stairs. To my surprise, Twobit was in the kitchen cooking some eggs. I didn't really want to face him either. I started to turn around slowly, hoping I could sneak back without drawing attention to myself.

"Brooke" Said Twobit. Shit. I turned around. "Hey" I nodded.

"Want some?" He jerked his head towards the pan of eggs. "Sure" I shrugged. I wondered why he wasn't ripping into me about the 'new gang problem'. A part of me also wondered when he came in last night, because he wasn't here when us girls went to bed. I figured he stayed at bucks with Dal.

I started eating my eggs as he sat across from me. It was silent for awhile, until he spoke. "Ya know Shepard ain't a good person to start a gang with" he said, not even looking at me as he ate.

"What" I said without thinking.

"Shepard. She ain't a good person to start a gang with" he repeated. "You guys don't know what your doing" he shook his head, but his voice still remained blank.

"You're wrong. We do." I argued back, using the same tone.

"Whatever" was all he said, getting up.

Twobit left somewhere out of the house, probably to the Curtis', and just then, Skye came down.

"Hey, Brooke" she groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning. Girls still sleeping?" I asked. She nodded as she went over to the coffee pot. I never really drank coffee. Dally never really wanted me to anyways, said if I did, I'd be bouncing off the walls.

"Twobit just left" I informed.

"He was here this early? Thought he stayed at bucks" she furrowed her brow.

"Yep" I nodded.

"Well what'd he have to say?"

"Said we don't know what we're doing, and basically that Angela is a bad person to start a gang with" I explained.

"Why that little.."she trialed off, muttering cursing towards her brother. I chucked a little.

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