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Skye's POV

It was nice...to be out of the Mitchell's gang.  The guys seem to be real happy that we were done.  I was a little worried that they wouldn't let us back in, but they did!  Honestly, I think they were waiting for me and Brooke to pull our heads out of our asses.  Two-Bit even said he heard a poppin' sound. 

Steve and I cuddled on the couch, "I'm glad your back," he kissed the tip of my nose.  I just snuggled in closer.  I finally felt calm and relaxed.

Darry pointed to me and Brooke, "no more going off and forming your own gang.  Also, if you gotta problem, stop trying to take care of it yourselves.  That's what ya got us for!"

Brooke and I, both nodded.  I knew he was right.  We spent so much time trying to prove ourselves that we made everything worse, however, it is us, "can't guarantee nothing," I said with a laugh, "but we'll try our best."

Brooke laughed, "yup! We don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

Steve pulled me up and brought me out to the porch, "ya know, I never really asked ya to be my girl."  He pulled out his class ring and slipped it on my finger, "will you be my girl?"

I jumped on him, wrapped my legs around his waist, and kissed him passionately, "you know I will!"

We kissed some more before he put me down, "I love you, Skye."

"I love you too," I said shyly as heat flooded my cheeks.  That was the first time I had ever said those words to anyone besides my ma and Two.  We made out some more before going back inside.

I sat next to my best friend.  She pulled me into her, "I think for once, we finally made the right decision."

"Right? Let's not get used to it though...I mean, it is us."

She laughed aloud, "no shit."

I looked around the room.  All the guys were beaming at us.  This is it.  This is where we belonged.

Two-Bit's POV

Skye and I walked home that evening.  I slung my arms around her shoulders.  It was so good to have her back, "you think your gonna stick around for awhile?"

She elbowed me in the ribs, "someone's gotta keep you in line."

I glanced at my little sister, "you remember how much you hated Brooke?"

She nodded, "yeah...I was real angry and mean.  I was a bitch, huh?"

I looked at my sister, like really looked at her.  She was 14, almost 15.  She had been molested, beat down, hardly spoke, got into fights, been stabbed, been to juvie, formed her own gang, got inked, got out of the gang, and came back to us.  She had gone through so much in such a short amount of time, "Naw, you weren't a bitch.  You just needed someone to understand ya."

"Me and Brooke are gonna be inseparable...ya know that?"

I laughed, "Yup...just don't cause too much trouble.  We all know you two ain't innocent little angels."

She gave me a half smirk that reminded me of my  own grin, "I make no promises."

I tightened my grip and gave her a gentle noogie, "wouldn't have it any other way, kid.  Love ya, Brat."

She hugged me tight, "love ya too, Keith.  Always have, always will."

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