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Brooke's POV
I take a deep breath as I look into the mirror. I've been in a few rumbles in New York, but tonight's was different. Skye and I started this one. Apparently, word is, Socs want Skye and I to pay.

On the other hand, I have my brother, Dallas Winston, and the gang to protect me. Suddenly, a knock on the door startled me.

"Hey kid! You ready yet?" Dal asked from the other side. "Yep, one sec!" I replied. I quickly slipped my shoes on and took one more look at myself before walking out.

"Ready?" Dal asked. I nodded "you?" Doing the same, he nodded as well.
As we were walking to the Curtis' I noticed Dal never worn grease in his hair. He is a greaser, a hood, so why doesn't he.

"Hey Dal, why don't ya ever wear grease in your hair like the rest of em?" I ask. He looked to me while still walking and shrugs.

"Like it this way...besides, who wants grease in their hair" he runs a hand through his brown hair. I shake my head and chuckle a little.

We walked inside the Curtis house and saw everybody already there. "Hey Brooke" Skye greeted from the couch. I smiled and sat beside her.

"You ready?" She asked. "As ready as I'll ever be" I sighed. She nods.

"Where's Pony?" I question. She jerks her head to Him and Sodas shared room.

"getting ready. They always puts extra grease in their hair on rumble nights" she shakes her head "thinks it's cool" she rolls her eyes.

"Hey! I like my grease!" Soda says from the table with his movie star smile. "Whatever" Skye mumbles.

Dal came over and sat beside us. "Hey Brooke, you know how to block a punch right?" Dal nods. I rolled my eyes "yes Dal, I grew up in New York" I remind him.

"Whatever....but listen, these Socs aren't playing around. It ain't a little fun fight just for kicks" he looks to both Skye and I seriously. We both nod.

Soon enough, Pony came out and took Dal's seat when he went to go get a beer. "Hey Brooke, you look nice" he smiles. I look at his greaser hair "I could say the same" I slimed back.

I saw Skye give a 'grossed' look and went to go sit by Two bit, not wanting to be third wheeling I'm guessing.

"You sure you wanna be in this rumble?" Pony puts an arm behind me. I nod "definitely. Skye and I are the ones who started this any how" I remind him.

Dal came back and saw Pony in his seat. "Up kid" he spoke. Pony looked up and then looked to me. I gave him an understanding nod. I mean, anybody is smart enough to not get in Dal's way, especially right before a rumble.

Dal sat back down beside me after Pony moved to go talk to Johnny. "Why you gotta be so rude" I joke and punch his arm. He shrugged and takes a sip of his beer "my seat in the first place" he adds. I shake my head.

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