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Skye's POV

"Awww, Two's makin' his sister look so pretty," Steve teased as my brother french braided my hair into two braids and then pinned the rest of my hair tight to my head. Steve winked at me again, causing that unfamiliar butterfly feeling in my stomach.

"Nope," Two-Bit responded when he was done, "just making it harder for her to get thrown down by her hair." I got up to see how I looked. I had on tight black leggings with a red crop top and my red converse sneakers. The only time I wear a crop top is for a rumble.

Darry came out of his room, wearing a tight pair of jeans and an even tighter black muscle shirt, "shirt a little tight there, Dare?" I cocked my eyebrow.

Darry put me in a gentle head lock, "you get any mouthier and I'm gonna start callin' ya Little Bit."

I laughed and slipped out of his grasp. I looked around the room. The only ones missing were Brooke and Dally. Soda and Pony were still getting ready. There was definitely some tension between me and Pone after yesterday's conversation, but I tried to ignore it. I sat down on the couch with my beer. I liked having one before a rumble, it loosens me up.

The door swung open and Brooke sat down next to her. She leaned over to me, "can't believe we basically started this rumble."

"No shit and rumor has it that the Socs want us to pay."

"That's what Dally said." Pony came out and made his way over to Brooke. He sat down, ignoring me, so I moved onto the floor by Two-Bit.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, "ya don't have to fight if ya don't want too,"'he whispered so only I could hear. I knew he was worried about me.

"Yeah...I gotta. Me an' Brooke started this and we aim to finish it."

"Just stick by me, ok?"

I didn't get a chance to answer because Soda and Steve took off, running out the door.   Two-Bit and I followed. The energy in the air was exciting! My adrenaline was pumping. I was doing cartwheels and flips down the street as we raced through the vacant lot. The only one who didn't seem excited was Johnny, but he hates fight.

Tim Shepard and his gang was already there. Darry approached him and they shook hands. Derek Brumly, leader of the Brumly Boys, stepped forward. He motioned to me and Brooke, his blue eyes cold, "you two the reason we're here?"

Derek was taller than Darry. I shrunk back, almost behind Brooke. She caught my eye and nodded, "damn straight we are! Took the Cherry slut down!"

"That's right!" Two-Bit jumped in, "got busted for it too."

We heard honking and hollering. The Socs pulled up in their fancy mustangs and corvettes, "who the fuck wears khakis to a rumble?" I heard Soda ask Steve.

Bob stepped out into the middle. Brooke and I bravely stepped up. We started this after all. "Rules are skin on skin. First to run, loses."

I nodded in agreement. Brooke threw the first punch, her fist connecting to Bob's face. The rumble was on. Initially, Brooke and me were teaming up against one of the bigger Socs, but it didn't take long for us to get separated.

I ended up fighting a soc named Braeden Scott. He was bigger than me, but I was faster. I dodged his punches and hit back when I could get a jab in. He punched me in the face a couple times, but I was able to elbow him in the gut and knee him in the face.

I kicked him once more when he was down and tackled the next guy. This guy was stronger than anticipated, he easily threw me off and kicked me twice in the head. I jumped to my feet, a little woozy from the kicks and swept his leg out from underneath him. He start to go down, however, he grabbed my leg and took me down with him. I kicked him in the face and rushed away from him, but I was quickly thrown to the ground by another soc. His foot connected with my ribs about three times before Two-Bit shoved him off of me, "the bastards are running! They're taking off!" We hooted and hollered as the socs drove away in their fancy car.

Brooke and Dally came running over to us, "we beat them! We beat them real good!"

We danced around and celebrated for awhile before heading back to the Curtis's. Once we were in the living room, we could see the damage done to everyone. Darry handed out ice packs. He hardly had a scratch on him. I took turns placing it on my ribs and my eye. My nose and lips had stopped bleeding.

Two-Bit had a black eye and a split lip. Soda and Pony would both be bruised tomorrow. Johnny had a few bruises and was icing his jaw.

"You ok?" My brother asked concerned.

"Yeah, my ribs hurt, but I'll be ok."

"Let me see," Darry and Steve came over. Two shot a look at Steve, but said nothing.

I lifted my top a little and winced as Darry pressed his fingers over the bruised area, "I think you cracked one." He quickly taped me up and handed me two aspirin.

"Skye?" Brooke approached me, "you ok?"

"Yeah, you?" She nodded. I took a quick glance around the room and pulled her into Pony's bedroom. I pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels, "shall we celebrate?" I grinned mischievously, "been saving it for a special occasion."

She smirked, "hell yeah, but not here."

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