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Skye's POV

Brooke stared at me, mouth wide open. I picked myself up from the floor. Brooke started to walk out. I reached for her arm "Brooke, I'm sorry"-

"You don't get to talk to my brother like that!" She snapped at me, yanking her arm out of my reach.

"I was just trying to I help" I shrugged.

"Well, I don't need your help! And I sure as shit don't need you defending me!" She yelled at me before storming out.

I stood in the middle of the room.  The guys were quiet.  Two-Bit was trying to catch my eye, but I wouldn't look at him.  I heard Steve whisper, "Damn she sure has Dal's temper."

"I'm leaving," I don't know if anyone heard me, but I didn't really care.  I headed down the street, ready to tear my hair out, "ugh!" I said out loud when I got the lot.  I started kicking the shit out of the car bench, "son of a fucking bitch," I muttered as I kicked it one last time, "of course I gotta piss of the one person on my side." I lit a cigarette and slumped on the bench.

"That bench didn't do a damn thing to you." A voice said behind me.

That startled me.  I spun around and saw Steve, grinning his cocky ass grin, "whaddya want?  Draw the short straw?" He looked at me, confused, "Two send ya?"

He sighed and sat down, "no, the guys think I'm off my rocker coming after ya. I think Two-Bits exact words were, it's your funeral." I laughed aloud. That's my brother, "ya know I thought Dal was gonna clobber you in there." When I didn't respond, he put his arm around me, "Skye, talk to me. What's goin' on in that head of yours?"

"I don't even know. Brooke'll never speak to me again. I just wanted to help ya know? Dally is so fucking emotionally constipated. Brooke needs him to actually be a brother!"

"As Brooke pointed out, that ain't up to you."

"I know. I just snapped." I found myself relaxing into Steve. I had my head on his shoulder, every now and then he would caress my arm.

"No one blames you, ya know that right?"

"Yeah, ok... pretty sure it was my amazing ideas that got us into this mess."

"Well, the gang should take some credit...we don't exactly set the best examples, if ya catch my drift."

I had to smile at that...Steve did teach me how to siphon gas, "yeah...tell Dal that."

"He'll come around. C'mon, let's back before the guys get suspicious." He pulled me to my feet, next thing I know, his lips were on mine. I think I kissed him back, but I'm not sure. He pulled away, "Skye, you're really pretty. You should wear your hair down more often." I just nodded. He held my hand as we walked back. I couldn't stop blushing or smiling.

Two-Bit and I ended up crashing at the Curtis's. He was too drunk to drive home and we didn't feel like walking back.

The next morning, Two-Bit dropped me off at school, "so last night?"

"What about it?"

"You and Steve were outside for quite awhile." He cocked an eyebrow.

"I know nothing."

I stopped at my locker, got my books, and turned to go to my first class. Steve put his hand on arm, "you doing ok?"

I automatically blushed, "yeah." He smiled, winked and headed down the hall. I couldn't help but grin. Snap out of it, Skye. He only did that cause he felt bad for ya.

Right before lunch, I headed into the bathroom. Brooke was in there smoking a cigarette. I shoved my hands in my pockets, "hey."


"Brooke," I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "I was outta line. I had no right to say those things to Dallas."

She glared at me, "no you didn't," she softened her look, "but I get it. We're both under a crazy amount of stress."

I nodded, "so...we good?"

She gave me a small smile, "yeah, we are."

We gave each other a quick hug. When we pulled apart, I lit up my smoke, "so...uh Steve and I kissed."

"I knew it! Tell me everything!"

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