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Brooke's POV
I clung onto Dally like my life depended on it as I practically bawled. I was out. I was finally out of that..dark, alone, place. Dal rubbed my back. I finally pulled away. I didn't wanna look up at him though, not like this. I could only imagine how awful I looked, from the way I felt anyways.

"Didn't hurt you to bad in there did they?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder. I wanted to nod, but only shook my head as I sniffled.

"Fuck. I missed you, kid" he pulled me back into a tight hug. I accepted it, wrapping my arms tightly around my brother.

"How's Pony? does he know I'm out? when"-

"Woah, woah, one thing at a time. Pony's doing fine. Let's get you cleaned up first though. Okay?" He said. I nodded. He wrapped an arm around me, walking me out the door. Dal was basically my support as I walked. I was still weak.

As we drove past stores and roads, I felt free, and I was so grateful. I never wanted to go back to that place. I don't know why Dal always get himself thrown in the cooler like that. I never really realized how strong he is.

We got to bucks, and before I could open my door with all my strength, Dal came around and opened it for me. I stepped one foot out, groaning. Dal picked up on that and picked me up bridal style in one swift motion. I thanked him silently.

He brought me up to my room, setting me on the bed. "I reckon you take a shower first" he dug around for a towel and handed it to me. I nodded.

Just as he was about to leave, "Dal" I called out to him. He turned around. I stood and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him once again. I couldn't stop. I just didn't wanna let go of my brother.

"I missed you so much...being in that place..alone" I whispered. He pet my hair.

"I know, Brooke. Hell, I missed you to" he replied. I pulled away and eventually went to take a shower.

As I showered, I barley wanted to move. My body was weak. I hadn't had a decent meal in for ever-let alone a shower. All though, it felt great to have soap and water back on my skin.

After showering, I went out to see Dal on my bed with a bag of take out. I smiled a little. A smile that's been gone far to long.

"Went and bought some food while you were in there. Figured you'd be starving" he started bringing fries and burgers out. I thanked him and sat down next to him, the bed creaking slightly.

I started managing away on my burger and fires, as he did the same with his. It felt so good to have some real food. "Didn't feed ya in there or what?" He looked to my skinny body.

"Foods Shit..and I kinda lost my appetite anyways" I shrugged. He didn't do anything but stare before going back to his fries.

After eating, we headed over to the Curtis'. I was over the moon about finally seeing Pony-the gang as well. When we got there, I already saw Twobits car, meaning Skye was also here. I was happy for that.

When I stepped inside, I was immediately engulfed into a hug. I could tell by the scent and the softness that it was Ponyboy. I hugged him tightly, running a hand through his soft hair. I inhaled the scent of him I missed for to long. "I missed you so much" he whispered, before bringing his head around and attaching his lips to mine, not giving me a chance to reply. I could feel the wet tears streaming down his face as they dripped onto my chin. I wasn't any better, I was crying as well. Once he pulled away, I spoke.

"You're all I thought about in there" I said. He gave a sad look. After Pony and I's 'reunion', the rest of the gang gave me tight hugs, saying how much they've missed me.

"Jee kid, ya look just as bad as Skye" twobit muttered when it came his turn, hugging me. I knew I probably did.

"Alright enough with my sister before you squeeze her to pieces" Dal Interrupted. I mentally laughed before sitting down next to Skye on the couch. She wrapped her arms back around me once again, and I wasn't complaining. We've hardly sene each other in the last month. Non of us said anything, just sighing as we hugged each other. It wasn't a awkward silence, no, it was a calm, relived silence.

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