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Brooke's POV
"This thing with Cherry ain't over" Skye says.

"But we rumbled?" I say, confused. Back in New York, once a rumble was held and settled, that was it. It was over.

"Yea but she's still pissed about her car and you and Pony" she pointed out. Damn her I thought as I handed the cancer stick back to Skye.

"She the one who got you?" I looked to her cut cheek.

"Nah, it's was her stupid cheerleader friends. Surrounded me in the bathroom. Bitch had sharp claws" she chuckled at the last part.

"We gotta tell the guys"

"No!..I ran into Steve and lied to him about it!" She protested. I wasn't letting us get split up again, and lying to our brothers is just asking for it to happen. No way.

"Ughh Skye!" I say as frustration hit me. "This is how we got in trouble in the first place! We need to tell the gang!" I say.

"We can that em on ourselves! We can't always relied on the boys!" She points out.

"Skye, I get it. I really do. But the last thing we need to do is piss of Dally and Twobit" I shake my head.

She rolled her eyes but agreed "fine...but not yet" she said. I smirked, I'm glad she finally came to her senses about this, surprisingly because she's so stubborn.

"Come, I gotta study date with Pony" I say as I wrap my arm around her, as we head out of the lot.
We were all bumming about the Curtis' house like usual. Pony and I were still studying at the table.

"So you gotta move to ten column behind the one hundred before adding the zeros" Pony explained as I struggled with a math problem.

"Oh okay, I get it now" I nod as I finish the last question.

When I lift my head from my paper, I see Pony smiling down at me. "What?.." I ask.

He shakes his head "nothing" he says as he pecks me on the cheek. He's such a cutie

"Hey..that's close enough, horseman" Dal said from the couch. We both looked at each other and chuckled.

I looked around for Skye and realized she was in the kitchen. I walked in to see her sipping some coffee as she leaned against the counter.

"So.." I say as I lean against the stove across from her.

"So.." she repeats.

"Should we tell them now?" I whisper and look back into the living room where everyone was.

Skye sighed. "I guess we should, huh. Better now then later" she nodded before dumping her cup in the sink.

I looked to her and we both shared a nod as we walked into the living room. We stood awkwardly.

"Uh guys.." I say loudly, which got everyone's attention. They all looked at us in the weirdest way.

"What's up, girls?" Soda questions.

I looked to Skye and nodded. "Well...that thing with Cherry ain't over" Skye said.

"What!..The fuck you mean it ain't over?" Dal asked as he leaned forward on the couch.

"Ya? We beat those bastards fair n' square" Steve said, clearly confused.

"Your right, we did. But earlier..." Skye sighed and looked to Steve "Some of Cherry's friends confronted me in the bathroom" Skye admitted.

"What!?" Twobit jumped up. I saw her flinch a little.

"That how you got that cut?" Steve came to his realizations as he pointed to Skye's cheek. She nodded.

"That's it!" Dal rose from his seat. "They want a fight they'll have one. I'll talk to Shepard's and see what we can do" Dal stated.

"Now hold on there. We don't even know what that means 'It ain't over'. We're not doing anything until we know exactly what's going on" Darry said.

Dal didn't say anything before storming out of the house. I wanted to go after my brother, but before I could...Twobit did?

Twobit's POV
Dal stormed out of the house. I was mad. We all were. Socs just never know when to quit. I thought now would be a good time to make sure Dal and I were straight...with our little fight that happened the other day.

I headed out of the house, following him.

"What the fuck you want, Mathews?" Dal asked as I caught up to him. Man, he walks fast.

"Heading to Bucks for a beer. Wanna join?" I offered, knowing-hoping he'd agree. All he did was nod.

We made it to Bucks, Dal still pretty pissed from the news. We took a seat up at the bar as Buck served us.

"What can I get ya boys?" He asked across the counter.

"Two beers" I said. Buck nodded and walked off.

After a bit of silence and beer sipping, I spoke. "Look Dal, I'm glad ya let Brooke back into Skye's life" I admit.

He looks to me and nods. "Your sister better not get her into any trouble..or that's it" he warned. I nodded.

"Trust me, I talked to her, she won't" I reassured. "So..are we straight, Dal?" I asked.

"Ya..were good. Can't really keep ya away anyways, your part of the gang" he pointed out the last part. We both chuckled.

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