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Soda's POV

"I grabbed the gun!  I pushed it back and it went off!  I made her pull the trigger!" Brooke cried out.

"It was all my idea.  My idea to jump her in the first place.  If I hadn't...." Skye added in her thoughts.

We all took turns telling them that it wasn't their fault.  I can't figure out why the hell they thought Tori's death was on them.  They sure as hell didn't bring a gun to skin on skin fight. We tried to be as reassuring as possible, but I doubt it's gonna work this quick. We'll have to keep reassuring them.

Dally and Brooke ended up taking off soon after everything was out in the open. Skye was snuggled in close to Steve. It was kinda funny watching Steve with Skye. She must really mean something to him. Whenever Evie cried, he would just get annoyed and walk away.

I could Pony was pretty shaken up by the whole thing cause he and Johnny went for a walk. Two-Bit and Darry walked outside and I followed, giving Steve and Skye some space.

Two lit up a smoke and shook his head sadly, "I don't even know what to do." He said softly.

"There ain't much we can do," Darry said. I rolled my eyes, Darry was always the realistic one.

Two-Bit glanced through the window, watching his sister, "Skye's only 14," he mumbled to himself.

"So is Brooke," I chimed in.  I looked at my big brother and one of my best friends, "do you think they even know what's like to be a kid?"

Two-Bit shook his head, "I don't know about Brooke, but Skye was already being abused by that sick fuck when she was 7."  He threw his butt away, "can Skye stay here tonight?"  Darry and I nodded, "I'm heading to Buck's.  I wanna go talk to Dally."  He ran off the porch and jumped in his car.

I went back inside.  Skye was sleeping on with her head on Steve's lap and he was playing with her hair.  He gave me a sad smile, "she's exhausted."

"We all are.  Two went to Buck's.  You and Skye wanna take Ponyboy's room and he can sleep in my room tonight?"

Steve grinned his toothy grin, "this is gonna drive Ol' Two mad when he finds out."

I grinned back, "I know."

Ponyboy's POV

Johnny and I ended up walking to Buck's.  Dally was down at the bar so he distracted him while I went up to see Brooke.  I was real worried about her.  I tapped on her door, "I'm fine, Dal," she mumbled.  She threw her arms around my neck when she opened the door. 

We went in her room and sat on the bed.  I pulled her close to me, "you know it's not your fault, don't ya?"

She sighed, "if it ain't my fault than why do I feel so guilty."

I gently kissed her forehead and cuddled up to her, "because your a good person."  I kissed her passionately, "I love you, Brooke Winston."

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